Apple 2 Disk Drive Sound Simulator does just what the title says - it simulates the sound of Apple 2 disk drives by playing back sounds I recorded of my Apple 2 disk drives in action. Essential for all old Apple ][ fanatics ... ;) If anyone wants to use the Apple 2 Disk Drive Sounds in their own programs / projects, then please see Apple 2 Disk Drive Sounds (WAV files) below. Here's a video of Apple 2 Disk Drive Sound Simulator in action: Apple 2 Disk Drive Sound Simulator - Live Demo (YouTube, |
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Apple 2 Disk Drive Sounds (WAV files) is a ZIP file containing all of the WAV file sounds that I recorded and used for my Apple 2 Disk Drive Sound Simulator. If anyone wants to use these sounds in their own programs / projects, then that is fine with me: all I ask is that you add a credit to me on your projects's web page, the credits screen, the help file, or similar. A credit something like this would be perfect:
Moose's Software Valley: Also, if you email me and let me know about your project, I'll add a link to it on my web page (and a link to it in my Apple 2 Disk Drive Sound Simulator readme file).
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Astronaut's Chronometer program calculates and displays the passage of time on Earth and in a space ship, when the space ship is going at close to the speed of light.
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Backup Again is a program that makes backing up your files a breeze. More specifically, Backup Again allows you to:
and then you simply press the "Backup and ZIP" button and all files are backed-up and compressed into a single ZIP file which is automatically named according to the current date / time. With Backup Again, backing up your data need never get you down !!
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Big Mouse Pointer sits in the tray bar (with the clock, etc) and enables you to use a BIG arrow (of just about any size and color) as the mouse pointer. Great for demonstrations, presentations, lectures, or people who get sick of hunting for Microsoft's miniscule mouse pointer on their lovely new high-resolution 21 inch monitors ... ;) Here's a video of Big Mouse Pointer in action: Big Mouse Pointer - Live Demo (YouTube, |
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Binary Clock is a "for fun" program that displays a re-sizable binary clock - that is, a clock where the time is displayed via the binary number system (base 2) instead of the decimal number system (base 10). A whole range (in fact, some people would probably say "a whole overkill") of settings, graphics, and options are available via the settings menu. If you like interesting clocks like this, then make sure that you check out my Nixie Clock.
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Birthday and Event Reminder allows you to easily keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, school reunions, and other important annual events. A range of functionality is provided with the program to help you add, update, change, or delete events, and then report on the events occuring within a specified number of days. You can copy and paste this report into emails or print it. This program should be very useful for helping you keep forwarned of all important dates, so that you give yourself plenty of time to organise and prepare for birthdays, anniversaries, and so on. Import functionality is also provided so that you can import / load data from other date / event reminder programs directly into Birthday and Event Reminder without having to re-type anything. Now, there is NO EXCUSE for forgetting or leaving things until the last minute !!! ;) Special thanks to Egil L for suggesting / requesting this program. Egil has received a free registration to this program and will receive a share of the profits if the program sells like hot cakes.
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Bitwise Encryptor Decryptor provides the following functionality:
See "Using this Program" in the program's text file for a walk through of each of these uses. Bitwise Encryptor Decryptor can encrypt / decrypt data one attempt at a time, or cycle through all possible combinations, stopping at possible solutions along the way. Bitwise Encryptor Decryptor also displays a chart and table of ASCII character frequencies in the source and destination data as well as the percentages of alphanumeric characters (a-z,A-Z,0-9) and spaces in the data, which should be useful for anyone wanting to do statistical analysis of data. All of the functionality / buttons should be pretty explanatory. All of the buttons have tool tips / pop-up help, so just hover the mouse pointer over a button to see further information / help about the button's functionality. 5 bitwise operators are supported so far:
I've also included a special file "Project4b_encrypted.txt" which contains a special message for those who want to run this program's Brute Force decryption. Note: Bitwise Encryption is NOT serious encryption in any way, shape, or form. It is a very simple and very easily crackable encryption that is only really used when people are first learning about encryption or bitwise operators. Bitwise Encryptor Decryptor is provided to help people do that. :) |
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Calendar Year Simple shows a very simple full year calendar for whatever year you select - and that's about it. Great software to have when you need a full year calendar - for ANY year - in a hurry. :) |
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Check Sum Calculator calculates checksums for user-selected files and directories, and enables the user to compare checksum results against previous calculations. Check Sum Calculator also includes a great Command Line mode to enable automatic, periodic checking of files, with any mismatches reported to the user. Checksums are very useful for making sure files have not been corrupted, changed, or tampered with.
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Clean-Up Old Files enables the user to specify one or more directories, and then periodically clean out / erase / delete files that haven't been modified for a certain number of days. The program can run automatically at Windows startup and also automatically exit after the clean-up, if desired.
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Clipboard Tools enables you to:
This has various uses, but was primarily developed to enable people to copy data from Windows or DOS console applications: Windows sometimes does not clear its clipboard, and wont allow you to copy any more data until you erase the clipboard's contents. Clipboard Tools is ideal for clearing Windows clipboard for you.
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The game play in Computer Space consists of you controlling a Rocket and attacking and avoiding the computer controlled enemy Saucers that are trying to shoot you or collide with you. You have an infinite number of lives, but each game has a set time limit. The object of the game is to have a higher score than the enemy at the end of the time limit. This simulator supports the following modes of operation:
I entered a special One Button / One Switch version of my simulator in the Retro-Remakes One Click programming competition. The download links for both versions - the standard version and the One Click version - are provided on the right. Special thanks to Kevin at Computer Space Fan for all of his advice, testing, feedback, checking, support, and encouragement during the development of this simulator. Make sure you visit Kevin's Computer Space Fan web site for a wealth of information, pictures, videos, sights, sounds, history, trivia, and more about Computer Space.
![]() Download "Standard" version 100% Virus Free Download "One Click" version 100% Virus Free
CPU Fault Detector executes dozens of floating point calculations that are known to generate incorrect results on some extremely rare Intel Pentium Processors from the mid-1990's.
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CPU Monitor is a utility to display graphical CPU usage and average CPU usage using my own algorithms to determine CPU usage. This program has been superseded by my RAM / Swapfile Monitor, which provides the functionality of CPU Monitor plus a whole lot more.
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Lots of options are provided in the Settings screen (Edit -> Settings) to control the layout of the CPU graph. And, as you change settings, the main screen's CPU graph automatically updates on-the-fly to reflect your latest settings. CPUs Monitor also includes my "CPU Usage Drop alarm" functionality (similar to functionality included in my RAM / Swap Monitor and CPU Usage Drop Alarm programs). When activated (by clicking the "Activate" button) this functionality plays a sound over and over again until the user clicks the OK button when the CPU usage drops below a user specified level for a user specified number of seconds. This is very useful for telling you when a big job has ended, such as a Virus Scan, Disk Scan, Disk Defragment, CD/DVD Burning, video processing and conversions, etc. I like to keep an eye on the resource usage (and the average resource usage) in my computer systems and I developed CPUs Monitor to help me do this. Maybe someone else out there will find this useful as well ? |
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As the name suggests, CPU Usage Drop Alarm provides "CPU Usage Drop alarm" functionality. When activated (by clicking the "Activate" button) this functionality plays a sound over and over again until the user clicks the OK button when the average, maximum, or minimum CPU usage drops below a user specified level for a user specified number of seconds. This is very useful for telling you when a big job has ended, such as a Virus Scan, Disk Scan, Disk Defragment, CD/DVD Burning, video processing and conversions, etc.
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Date & Time is a very simple clock program that simply displays the date and time in a fully re-sizable, scalable window.
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This Diablo II: Windows Help File help file is far from complete, and only contains help and my comments on:
Long Live Diablo II !! ;)
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Directory Usage Monitor enables you to analyse the disk space used and the number of files present in a directory and all of its sub-directories on a harddisk, floppy disk, CD ROM, Network Drive, or any other form of disk.
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Disk Monitor will monitor up to 26 drives and display the following information:
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Disk Space Logger enables you to quickly and easily keep track of the amount of free disk space on a particular drive in or attached to your machine.
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Email Address Obscurifier can help you to obscure the email addresses on your web page(s) so that they act the same and function the same as before, but so that they cannot easily be accessed / identified by email harvesting programs used by people who send unsolicited junk email (SPAM) to 1,000's of internet users. The result of this should be a reduction in the amount of SPAM (i.e. junk email) that you receive. If this program is of interest to you, then check out another of my FREE programs called Spam Analysis Tool.
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File Mover / Copier is a program to help you move or copy files from one or more directories (and, if you desire, all of the sub-directories in these directories) to a single target directory.
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File Patcher modifies another file according to the values contained in a patch file. This is useful for automating the modifications / updates of .EXE or other files for games / applications. The program can also compare two files and generate a patch file. i.e. a list of differences between the files being compared.
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File Synchronizer allows you to sychronise (or sychronize if you like to spell the American way ;) some or all of the files in 2 directories, and if you like, all of their sub-directories. File Synchronizer is (hopefully) extremely useful for people who (like me) have their data spread over multiple PCs - such as Work and Home PCs, USB thumb drives, External USB harddrives, CDs / DVDs / BluRay disks, and other media, including, if anyone still uses these, floppy disks, ZIP / JAZZ / SyQyest / Orb drives, etc. This program enables you to easily and quickly make sure you have the latest versions of files on all machines / media, and that your master directory contains the latest versions of all files. Using the new "Multi" button, you can select multiple directory pairs (that you have already setup and saved to file) at once.
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File Tools enables you to grab a list of files (with long or short directory path and long or short file names), stamp files with the current date and time, make text files from Mac or UNIX environments readable, test the integrity of a bunch of ZIP files, rename a bunch of files, search and replace the contents of a bunch of files, word wrap and un-word wrap the text lines in files, checksum files, and much, much more !! All at the click of a button !!! |
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File Usage Monitor simply monitors and logs the usage of files that you want to monitor: how many hours each file has been open / in use, the date/time it was opened, the date/time it was closed, etc. for any files you want to monitor. I use File Usage Monitor to keep track of various documents, spreadsheets, and files that I work on so that I can tell when the files were last changed, when I last worked on them, how long I have worked on them for, and so on. File Usage Monitor also records the date / time each time that it is started (executed, run) and ended (exited, closed) in the event log. An example use of this program could be to enable companies / people to justify / support work invoices sent to clients by logging the amount of time spent working on computer files relating to each client. The program resides in the Windows Icon Tray (with the clock, etc). |
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Font Reviewer allows you to view all fonts installed on your computer and see any text you like written in any or all of the fonts that you select. Font Reviewer was developed to make selecting the best font for the job as simple, fast, easy, and painless as possible.
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Game / Sprite Engine (Prototype) is a prototype game which allows me to develop and test my prototype sprite engine, which allows an unlimited number of sprites, each with their own dimensions, number of frames, animation speeds (frame delays), and many other characteristics. This prototype game is not polished or even fully playable, and is severely lacking in many areas:
As far as I can determine, it is the first computer game to feature aliens attacking over a steaming bowl of pasta !! ;)) Anyway, check it out if you like .... ;)
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GIF Image Details displays information about a GIF image, and allows you to step through each frame of animation and save each frame to separate bitmap (BMP) files or copy each frame and information about the GIF to Windows Clipboard. You can also move or copy the GIF to a selected directory. To get started, simply use the File -> Open GIF File menu option, or use "open file" button above the GIF image, or just the drag and drop a GIF image file onto the main window using Windows Explorer. If you have a lot of GIF images that you want to examine / extract / review, sort out, then GIF Image Details will help you with this. Game / Sprite Engine (Prototype) is a prototype game which allows me to develop and test my prototype sprite engine, which allows an unlimited number of sprites, each with their own dimensions, number of frames, animation speeds (frame delays), and many other characteristics. |
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International Clock enables you to display the current time for the location you are in now, along with the current time for up to 10 other locations (anywhere in the world) you specify, according to the time differences you specify. Also has a useful Time Comparison Table to enable you to easily compare times at any of your chosen locations, and you can copy and paste the table into emails, etc, so it is very easy to tell / show people what the best times are for them to contact you in your time zone and their time zone.
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Keyboard and Mouse Button Odometer sits in the tray bar (with the clock, etc) and keeps track of:
The program shows you the total clicks, and the clicks for each key / button. You can sort the data by ASCII Value, Key / Button Name, or Number of Key Presses, in either in ascending or descending order.
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Keyboard Mapper enables you to create keyboard maps - that is, diagrams showing you what particular keyboard keys do for a particular computer program, application, or game. You can save and load the keyboard maps to file, and you can also save a bitmap of the entire keyboard to file and copy it to the Windows Clipboard. Keyboard Mapper is hopefully a powerful and useful program that will enable people to quickly and easily create diagrams showing you what particular keyboard keys do for a particular computer program, application, or game. To give you an idea of what this program can already do, here is a MAME Keyboard Map. (Setting up this MAME Keyboard Map, selecting fonts, colours, and typing in the controls, heading, etc all took less than 1 minute with Keyboard Mapper). Included with the program are two sample keyboard maps to help get you started.
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Key Sound Generator is a fun program that plays a particular sound effect each time a mouse button or keyboard key is pressed. Different sounds are played depending on the type of key or button. ALL sound effects are included with the program free of charge.
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Key Stroke Recorder enables you to log all key presses and mouse button clicks on your computer so you can keep track of what has been typed on your computer. This program might be useful for anyone who wants to check what someone is doing / typing on your computer. e.g. keep track of what your teenage kids are typing while using the internet or any other programs.
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Life Clock displays the amount of time you might have left to live. The aim of this program is to make you realise that time is passing and motivate you to live. i.e. don't delay, start living and achieving your goals today !
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Lottery Number $elector is a program designed for the sole purpose of helping you win loads of dosh on the lottery, by helping you choose a nice random set of numbers for you to enter into your lottery - whatever its characteristics !
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Mad Cow Disease Diagnosis is a "for fun" program that enables you to see and hear normal and mad cows.
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N.B. This program is for use with versions of MAME 32 prior to v0.63. If you are using MAME v0.63 or later, then please use MAME 32 INI Tools (see below).MAME32 Tools is an unofficial companion utility / tool for the official MAME 32 Arcade Machine Emulator for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, etc which can be downloaded seperately from: MAME32 Tools is also compatible with the various Unofficial MAME 32 emulators out there, such as Stretch MAME 32, MAME 32 Screen Saver, etc. MAME32 Tools provides a range of functionality that is not provided by any other ROM Tool or Front End, and should be useful to people who want to better manage their MAME 32 installations.
N.B. This program is for use with versions of MAME 32 prior to v0.63. If you are using MAME v0.63 or later, then please use MAME 32 INI Tools (see below).Please Note: I have not tested / used this program with any recent versions of MAME for years, so it might not work with recent MAMEs. |
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N.B. This program is for use with MAME 32 v0.63 or later. If you are using a version of MAME prior to v0.63, then please use MAME 32 Tools (see above).MAME32 INI Tools is an unofficial companion utility / tool for the official MAME 32 Arcade Machine Emulator for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, etc which can be downloaded seperately from: MAME32 INI Tools provides a small fraction of the functionality that my other program (MAME 32 Tools) provides. Eventually, (given some slight encouragement ;), I may expand this program's functionality until it is in-line with the above program. MAME32 INI Tools currently enables you to load a MAME INI File (which is created by the Windows GUI version of MAME) and (in the blink of an eye) allow you to see which ROMs and Sound Samples are missing / invalid. Before running MAME 32 INI Tools, you will need to have run MAME 32 for Windows (i.e. the GUI version), and asked MAME to do a full audit of all games.
N.B. This program is for use with MAME 32 v0.63 or later. If you are using a version of MAME prior to v0.63, then please use MAME 32 Tools (see above).Please Note: I have not tested / used this program with any recent versions of MAME for years, so it might not work with recent MAMEs. |
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MAME Benchmarker is utility / tool which can help you benchmark the running of the Windows Command Line MAME or the DOS MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator):
MAME Benchmarker enables you to choose which games to benchmark, which command line parameters to use when running MAME, and then benchmark these games within MAME. After the benchmarking is complete, a TAB separated report is displayed and you can easily copy and paste this into a spreadsheet to allow you to compare these results with other benchmark results, graph the results, etc. Please Note: I have not tested / used this program with any recent versions of MAME for years, so it might not work with recent MAMEs. |
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MAME32 Screen Shot Organiser is an unofficial companion utility / tool for the official MAME 32 Arcade Machine Emulator for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, etc which can be downloaded seperately from: MAME32 Screen Shot Organiser simply enables you to view and drag and drop (with the mouse) screen shots so that you can arrange your screen shots for each parent game and its clones with ease. This could be useful for anyone who wants to arrange their screen shots in a certain way. e.g. show the title screen for each parent game of each set, and then show various screen shots of each game in action for the clones. Please Note: I have not tested / used this program with any recent versions of MAME for years, so it might not work with recent MAMEs. |
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A utility to graphically display Windows' Memory usage: Free Memory, Free GDI Memory, and Free User memory, and is mainly intended for use with Windows 3.x.
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Millionwaire Remake:
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Moose Pong (pun intended !) - is the first "PONG" game in the universe to feature 3 Stooges sound effects !!! (Actually, these sound effects are samples of me doing impersonations of the 3 Stooges - so for this reason alone, Moose PONG has got to be worth a look (or should that be sniff ?) !! ;))
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With this program, you can learn about Morse Code and do the following:
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Mosaic Maker Extractor enables you to create mosaics or pull them apart again into their component images (tiles). A mosaic is a big picture made out of lots of little pictures. So, with Mosaic Maker Extractor, you can create your own mosaics or extract the tiles from existing mosaics for further use in other mosaics. On-line help and a step-by-step getting started guide with screen shots is included with the program. A demonstration YouTube video showing you how to use this software is here: To show you what this program can do, I've included some basic sample mosaics below. Below is a mosaic based on my pampered pooch, Boogle.
And here are 2 mosaics I created of Computer Space for Kevin's Computer Space Fan web site.
And here's a mosaic I created of Stephen Fry and Alan Davies of the QI TV Show which is made with photos of every guest who has appeared on the show:
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Mouse Odometer is a "for fun" program that simply keeps track of your mouse clicks and mouse cursor movement and converts this to a total distance travelled in Kilometers by the mouse cursor, based on the screen resolution and size of your current display.
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Nixie Clock is a "for fun" program that displays a re-sizable clock made out of images of Nixie Tube and LED digits. The program currently has the following digit styles available:
If you like interesting clocks like this, then make sure that you check out my Binary Clock. Here's a video of Apple 2 Disk Drive Sound Simulator in action: Nixie Clock v1.3 - Live Demo (YouTube, |
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For information, screen shots, trial version downloads, etc, please see the Overhead Cable Sag Calculator section of Moose's Software Valley.
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Paper Quiz Generator (aka Paper Multi-Choice Quiz Generator) is a program that enables you to generate paper based true/false and multiple choice quizes - consisting of a random selection of questions and the randomised answers for each question - from files of questions and answers that you provide. Paper Quiz Generator is ideally suited for generating the true/false and multiple choice (A,B,C,D,E,etc) question sections of paper based exams, assignments, tutorial questions, and so on. |
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Teach your Parrot (or any other bird capable of speech) to talk easily and effortlessly. Also use it to nag your kids, husband, wife, dog, etc. ;) The program even comes with 4 sound samples of me talking like a Parrot ! What a bonus ! What an idiot !!! ;)
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Password Generator enables you to quickly and easily generate a random password according to the password rules you specify, such as whether the following types of characters are allowed:
and the minimum and maximum password length. Password Generator also estimates the strength of each generated password. This program is very useful in our modern world. As hackers have access to ever more powerful computers and ever more sophisticated password cracking techniques, using strong passwords for all of your on-line accounts and activities is becoming increasingly important to protect your privacy, your identity, your reputation, your friends and family, and your hard-earned money. |
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Periodic Table is a program to help you investigate, look up, or compare the details for all known elements. e.g. Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, etc. This program contains a standard Periodic Table of Elements - and if you click the mouse on an element, then a report for the selected element is displayed. You can also find an element by name or abbreviation - which can help find / look up elements. Many Element Comparison Graphs are provided to help you compare criteria for each element. e.g. Atomic Radius, Atomic Weight, Boiling Point (K), Melting Point (K), Electrical Conductivity, etc.
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Pick A Card uses cunning, stealth, and advanced computer hueristics to holistically determine which card you selected from a set of cards.
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Post Code Lookup enables you to search on postcodes, locations, and states / regions in your country to find the place name or postcode for the locations you are interested in - all at the click of a mouse button. This program comes complete with Postcode data for:
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Print and PDF Pictures enables you to drag and drop a whole bunch of pictures from Windows Explorer, move or sort these into the required order, and then either:
This program should be useful to anyone who wants to print a number of images, or get them into a suitable format that enables easy reading "on screen".
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Program Code Auditor is a tool specially designed for programmers or the managers of programmers or the teachers of programming students to analyse the program code that has been written, and see how many lines of code there are and how much white space and comments there are in the code. The program produces a summary of all source files audited. All of this information is written to a report that you can copy to the Window's Clipboard, print, or save it to disk. Built into this program is support for 17 programming languages such as Delphi / Pascal, C / C++, Java, HTML, COBOL, Fortran, etc. There is also an option for you to specify the comment start and end delimiters, etc, and this should make Program Code Auditor work with any programming language !!
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QI TV Show UnOfficial Companion is for fans of the TV show QI (, and will help you really get the most out of QI by providing the following functionality: list which episodes selected panelists appeared in, search for episodes by entering one or more keywords, keep track of which episodes you have watched, show photos of all panelists (not provided), and play episode videos if they are available on your computer (not provided), otherwise find the episodes for you on YouTube. NOTE: If you are interested in this software, then I very highly recommend that you watch my setup, installation, and usage video on YouTube: In addition, a wealth of information and very detailed settings and program help are provided in the program's readme file (REF: QI_TV_Show_Unofficial_Companion.txt). NOTE: Screen shots show the program with panelist photos - which are for illustration purposes only and are NOT supplied (I could not get permission to include them). The program is supplied with basic episode and panelist data and with keyword indexes for all episodes up to the end of Season L (12). However, as supplied, this software's functionality is limited because even after ~3 months of trying, I could *NOT* obtain permission to include episode transcripts, sub-titles, panelist photos, etc. To avoid Copyright issues, no copyrighted material is provided with this program nor is any copyrighted material available on my web site. i.e. Transcripts, sub-titles, panelist photos, episode videos, QI music / sound effects, etc are *NOT* available / provided. |
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Quiz Master is a program that enables you to easily set-up quizzes - either for fun, or to test or build knowledge of particular subject areas, or to help with assessment of student / employee achievement. Included with the program is a set of 45 Sample Questions, but many more questions may be made available in the future. You can also set-up your own quizes on any topics you like. The program also includes basic sound effects, which you can replace with your own sounds.
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RAM / Swap Monitor displays:
RAM / SWAP Monitor also contains "CPU Usage Drop alarm" functionality which plays a sound over and over again until the user clicks the OK button when the CPU usage drops below a user specified level for a user specified number of seconds. This is very useful for telling you when a big job has ended, such as a Virus Scan, Disk Scan, Disk Defragment, CD/DVD Burning, video processing and conversions, etc. This functionality is available under the "CPU Usage Drop Alarm" menu option in the "File" menu. (I use this all the time, so I can watch TV or do something else, and my PC will make a sound and tell me when it has finised its work !!).
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Real Estate Calculator enables you to perform a number of calculations which should be useful to anyone who is involved in buying or selling properties or houses, such as first home buyers, investors, real estate agents, solicitors, etc. More specifically, this program allows you to calculate: Real Estate Agent's Commission, Government Stamp Duty, adjustments (for vendors and purchasers, for rates, rent, etc) due at settlement, calculate the mortgage / loan details, and generate a detailed mortgage / loan report.
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Here's a video of Robot Simulator in action: Robot Simulator - Quick Demo (YouTube, |
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ROM / File Chopper allows you to quickly and easily chop files in half and throw away the second half. This is great for fixing ROMs with "INCORRECT LENGTH" errors (as reported by MAME and other emulators). This program supports full drag and drop, so you can drag and drop individual files directly from ZIP files !!
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ROM Clone Zip Manager could be a very useful program for people who use the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME). ROM Clone Zip Manager can delete redundant / duplicate files from inside Clone ROM ZIPs. That is, ROM Clone Zip Manager scans your Clone ROM ZIP files (in all directories you specify) and compares each file inside these against the files inside the Parent ROM ZIP file, and if an identical file is found (with the same name and CRC) then it is deleted from the Clone ROM ZIP file. In adition, you can backup the files (and extract them to another directory) before they are deleted from inside the Clone ROM ZIP file. ROM Clone Zip Manager also enables you to move all Clone ZIP files to another directory of your choice. I wrote this program and ran it against my MAME ZIP files, and, in less than 2 minutes, it had saved me a whopping 191 MB of disk space !
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ROM ZIP Differences Manager could be a very useful program for people who use the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME). ROM ZIP Differences Manager can:
This means that you can extract all ROM ZIP differences with a few mouse clicks and within seconds / minutes (depending on files sizes). And, this also means that you can use and apply all differences to update your ROMS with a few mouse clicks and have all your ROMs updated within seconds / minutes (depending on files sizes). This should help with what was previously a nightmarish, manual job of using "Fix Files" to update your existing ROM sets.
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For information, screen shots, trial version downloads, etc, please see the Overhead Cable Sag Calculator section of Moose's Software Valley.
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Sanitize Disk Space enables you to select any writable drive connected to your PC, such as any USB thumb drive, external harddrives, network drives, or any of your PC's harddrives or harddrive partitions, and then sanitize the free / unused space on this drive. The following sanitization levels are supported by this program:
Once sanitized (at a high sanitization level), the data in your deleted files can never again be recovered, and no hacker - no matter how clever - should ever be able to view any data contained in your deleted files. This processing should be highly desirable for anyone who is selling or replacing their PC - especially if the PC contained any sensitive or personal or confidential data.
This is the Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) version of this program. There is another version as well, see Sanitize Disk Space CL - Windows Command Line version. |
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Screen Shot Machine, or more simply Screen Machine, is a program that captures screen shots of the full screen of your computer in action at 1 minute, 5 minute, or whatever intervals you choose. This program might be useful for anyone who wants to check what someone is doing / typing on your computer. e.g. keep track of what your teenage kids or the computer repair guy are doing while using the internet or any other programs on your computer. Do NOT install this software on any computers you do not own.
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This program should be interesting to people of all ages !! Solar System Simulator and another program of mine, Robot Simulator , were demonstrated and show cased on a big projection screen before current and prospective students, staff, and the general public all day during Central Queensland University's Open Days in Rockhampton, Australia, in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, ... Here's a video of Solar System Simulator in action: Solar System Simulator - Quick Demo (YouTube, |
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Sort It Out is, in a nut shell, a list sorting utility. If you maintain lists of various things (names, addresses, games, etc) and you need them sorted, then this utility could prove to be very useful for you.
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Spam Analysis Tool is especially designed for use by Mail System Administrators, or anyone else who runs an email server or wants to block spam / junk emails. SPAM (i.e unsolicited junk email) is a rotten scurge that is annoying millions of internet users and causing all sorts of havoc due to clogged mail boxes and clogged servers, not to mention the nasty payloads (viruses, trojans, etc) that many spam emails contain. Most email clients (such as Outlook) allow you to save emails to your harddisk with the headers intact. e.g. in Outlook, simply drag and drop the spam emails to a directory on your harddisk. (Do not open them or run any programs they contain). Once saved to your harddrive with the email headers intact, these spam emails can be analysed so that their real source can be identified, and then all emails from this source can be blocked in the future. Doing this will help reduce the volumes of spam that you receive in the future. Spam Analysis Tool enables you to:
If this program is of interest to you, then check out another of my FREE programs called Email Address Obscurifier.
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Stay On Top displays a list of all windows programs (and their individual component windows), and allows you to double click on one or more to make that window awlays stay on top of all other windows. This can help improve unfriendly or badly written programs.
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A stop watch utility with a memory to enable you to monitor internet connection time, benchmark tasks / activities, etc. The program keeps a detailed log of each Stop / Start event.
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Storm Distance Calculator enables you to easily log the time between Lighting Flashes in a storm and the subsequent Thunder Rolls, and automatically:
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Student Results Merger is a program to help you handle / merge / process student and other results that are allocated some sort of unique ID. While the program was developed for the purpose of processing student results, it could also be used to process cycling race, horse race, swimming race, or keeping track of workers or volunteers, and/or various other results / details. This program comes with full on-line help and a step-by-step user guide with screen shots.
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However, this is only the start. Sudoku Solver Helper Trainer can do *lots* more. Sudoku Solver Helper Trainer provides functionality to:
Sudoku Solver Helper Trainer includes a selection of more than 25 Sudoku puzzles: easy, medium, hard, and evil. But you can add as many puzzles as you like - just type 9 lines of 9 numbers per line separated by commas into a plain text file, or, enter the numbers directly into Sudoku Solver Helper Trainer's grid and save the puzzle as a new file.
Sudoku Solver Helper Trainer can help you and show you how to solve
sudoku puzzles so that you become better and faster at solving them
yourself. It sure helped me !
See the program's readme file and these screen shots for further details.
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Talking Clock does just what the title says - it reads out the current time according to when and how often you want to hear it. You can download pre-recorded sounds (below) and even add / record your own sounds !! Not sure what Talking Clock is ? Like to hear a demonstration / sample ? Click here to listen to WAV file output of Talking Clock using Robert's great Clint Eastwood impersonations. Or, if you prefer the same thing in MP3 format, then Click here. Moose's Voice and Ship's Eight Bells (by Scott M) are included in the Talking Clock installation. And, for people who send me donations for this program, these Password Protected "Speech Packs" are also available:
Full instructions on using / installing these speech packs are contained in the readme file that accompanies the program.
Voice Impersonators needed URGENTLY !!!!For my Talking Clock program (and maybe for other programs as well), I need people who can do very good impersonations of:
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Text Buttons enables you to place often used pieces of text behind anything up to 750 buttons, and view 1, 2, 3, or 4 columns of 15 of these buttons at any time, so that any text you need is very easily and quickly obtainable when required. An extremely useful program.
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Units Converter enables you very easily and quickly convert units between metric, imperial, and other units for length, mass (weight), temperature, area, and many other categories. This program currently supports 328 units in 14 categories.
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This program formats the results of Emailed WEB Forms to make the data they contain more usable / readable.
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Windows PC Benchmarker enables you to:
This program should be useful to anyone who wants to evaluate or test the performance of their computer or tune up or fine tune the various aspects of their PC.
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Windows Wallpaper Changer randomly selects a Bitmap file and makes this the new Windows' Wallpaper (i.e. the picture you see behind the icons on your Main Windows Desktop). You can easily specify directory from which Bitmaps are randomly chosen, and the interval (in Seconds) in which the Windows Wallpaper is changed to the new bitmap. Never have a boring static Windows Desktop again !!
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Words Worth - Crossword and Scrabble Companion provides some very useful searching and word list maintenance functionality and is especially suited to people who like playing scrabble, or doing crosswords, or anyone who needs to look up words or use words in other ways. Below you can download a selection of massive word lists containing up to 263,535 words which include all words used by tournament scrabble players. There are a bunch of word lists below, and you can download and use whichever one suits your needs the best:
Download List of 263,535 words Download List of 173,528 Words Download List of 109,582 Words
This is my special version of the fun and highly addictive dice game, called Yahtzee. This program has many advanced features NOT found in any other computerised version of Yahtzee - such as the ability to merge High Score Tables, form scaling, etc.
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Zip Password Cracker Pro enables you to generate passwords and apply these to password protected ZIP files. This can be an incredibly useful thing to do when you have backed up data to a ZIP file and mistyped or forgotten the password. The program has many useful password generation features, and also saves Restart information as it tests passwords so that if the power fails, you switch off your PC, your computer crashes, etc then this program can continue where it left off at the click of a mouse button.
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