Previous Page Updates / Changes:

12-Jun-2020 :: More YouTube "Live Demo" Videos - Mosaic Maker Extractor (freeware)

05-Jun-2020:: Water, waves, beach, peace, tranquility, relax, unwind, de-stress, sleep, meditation, piano, ...

05-Jun-2020:: Add LBRY to my links (top of page)

21-Mar-2020:: Coronavirus: What if we did NOTHING? (22-Mar-2020, Thunderf00t)

21-Mar-2020:: Coronavirus Spread World Map Animation and Latest News - 21-Mar-2020

16-Mar-2020:: Corona Virus - Is China Lying ???

14-Mar-2020:: Corona Virus - potential under-reporting of cases, deaths, higher than reported mortality rates, etc

20-Feb-2020 :: Web Site - Back-up Again .... with another Web Host: InfinityFree

27-Jan-2020 :: More YouTube "Live Demo" Videos - Apple 2 Disk Drive Sound Simulator and Big Mouse Pointer

27-Jan-2020 :: Rebrandly Redirector service

27-Jan-2020 :: WEB Page Links / Links History / HTML Tidy Ups

18-Jan-2020 :: Sound Board Lenny - my 111th software title !!

18-Jan-2020 :: Sound Effects SoundBoard (v1.05f) - UPDATE

31-Dec-2019 :: End of Year Round Up ... Farewell 2019, Hello 2020 !!

16-Dec-2019 :: Sag Calculator - 3 Questions - Can you Help ?

25-Oct-2019 :: YouTube Demo Videos - Robot Simulator and Solar System Simulator

24-Oct-2019 :: Moose's YouTube Channel: 76 videos so far ...

24-Oct-2019 :: Moose's GitHub: 69 repositories so far ...

28-Jul-2019 :: Moose's Software Valley: 23rd Anniversary

26-Jul-2019 :: Asus ZenBook: Main Screen + 3 External Monitors + ScreenPad = 5 screens ... OMG !!!

17-Jul-2019 :: GitHub

15-Jul-2019 :: HAXE: transpiler, cross platform application and games development powerhouse

13-Jul-2019 :: Cross platform games development .... Unity - A Restrospective

18-May-2019 :: Mike O's Programming Practice Questions - v0.008 - my 110th upload !!

09-Apr-2019 :: Full Screen Background (v1.0f) - my 109th software title !!

09-Apr-2019 :: VirusTotal Virus Scan report - 2 link fixes:

07-Apr-2019 :: Emoji Buddy (v1.0f) - my 108th software title !!

31-Mar-2019 :: Wikipedia: DRAFT page for Moose's Software Valley

23-Mar-2019 :: Discussion Forum: Reddit r/MoosesSoftware

23-Mar-2019 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator - update Customer Feedback and Testimonials

18-Mar-2019 :: Money or the Case (v1.0f) - my 107th software title !!

19-Jan-2019 :: YouTube --> Game Videos --> Mr Wobbles

10-Nov-2018 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator - Training Videos

13-Oct-2018 :: Hostinger Web Site Hosting for Mooses Software Valley ending soon

21-Jul-2018 :: Sag Calculator - add "Windows 10" to list of supported OS's

08-Jul-2018 :: MineSweeper's Readme file

29-Jun-2018 :: UPDATE: Aaron S. and Joe H. - all OK.

26-Jun-2018 :: Attention: Aaron S. and Joe H.

26-Jun-2018 :: MineSweeper (v1.0f) - my 106th software title !!

26-Feb-2018 :: Have I Been Owned ? / Have I Been Pwned ?

27-Jan-2018 :: Bitcoin CRASH - is now a good time to invest in Bitcoin ?

17-Jan-2018 :: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Raiblocks, and other CryptoCurrencies

8-Oct-2017 :: Java Cross Platform Refresh

21-Sep-2017 :: Car / Vehicle Number Plate OCR

21-Sep-2017 :: Sag Calculator Registration Form and Licensing - Update

15-Jul-2017 :: Moose's Software Valley - Mirrors

15-Jul-2017 :: YahtzeeGUI (v1.0f) - my 104th software title !!

16-Mar-2017 :: Win32HLP Support for Windows 10, etc

16-Mar-2017 :: Overhead Sag Calculator Help File: Win32HLP -> CHM

19-Feb-2017 :: Video SubTitle Tools (v1.0f) - my 103rd software title !!

15-Feb-2017 :: Sound Effects SoundBoard (v1.0f) - my 102nd software title !!

2-Feb-2017 :: SciFiComputer 1950s Simulator (v1.0f) - my 101st software title !!

30-Jan-2017 :: Oblotteration (Game) (v1.0f) - my 100th software title !!

12-Jan-2017 :: Moose's Java Yahtzee, etc running on Raspbian/PIXEL (Raspberry Pi OS)

21-Dec-2016 :: Geepers, it's quiet out there ...

20-Sep-2016 :: Moose's Software Valley Web Site Move - All Sag Calculator Registered Users Emailed

18-Sep-2016 :: Moose's Software Valley - now hosted on

29-Jul-2016 :: Moose's Software Valley = 20 YEARS OLD today !!!!

6-Mar-2016 :: More Unity Development

6-Feb-2016 :: Recent Activity = Unity Development

26-Nov-2015 :: Apple Panic (a *great* old Apple ][ game) - UPDATE

25-Nov-2015 :: Apple Panic (a *great* old Apple ][ game)

6-Nov-2015 :: Millionwaire Remake (v1.1f)

30-Oct-2015 :: Millionwaire Remake (v1.0f)

25-Oct-2015 :: About me (Moose) and my Software .... Added to the Contact Me section of my web page

18-Oct-2015 :: CPUs Monitor (v1.0f)

12-Oct-2015 :: Moose's Software Valley - *possibly* moving to another web address / URL ???

10-Oct-2015 :: Bitwise Encryptor Decryptor (v1.0f)

18-Jul-2015 :: Sanitize Disk Space (v2.3f)

31-May-2015 :: GIF Image Details (v1.0f)

23-May-2015 :: Work In Progress: File Sorter / Re-Orderer

3-May-2015 :: QI TV Show UnOfficial Companion - A RESOUNDING FAILURE ???

12-Apr-2015 :: File Usage Monitor (v2.0f)

2-Apr-2015 :: QI TV Show UnOfficial Companion (v1.0f)

30-Mar-2015 :: Paper Quiz Generator (v1.0f)

27-Mar-2015 :: File Usage Monitor (v1.6f)

20-Mar-2015 :: Clipboard Tools (v1.2f)

7-Mar-2015 :: A Kind Word Goes A LOOOOOONNNNGGG Way

2-Mar-2015 :: Mouse Odometer (v1.7f)

Wed, 25-Feb-2015 @ 9:30 PM :: Update: Category 5 Cyclone - Everything now back to "normal"

The Short Answer:

The LONG Answer:

Fri, 20-Feb-2015 @ 9:29 AM :: Category 5 Cyclone

18-Feb-2015 :: Sudoku Solver Helper Trainer (v1.1f) - Now FREEWare !

2-Feb-2015 :: QI TV Show - now being broadcast in the USA !!!

27-Jan-2015 :: More scans against 57 Virus Checkers = 100% Virus Free

25-Jan-2015 :: More scans against 57 Virus Checkers = 100% Virus Free

24-Jan-2015 :: QI TV Show Unofficial Companion - UPDATE

18-Jan-2015 :: More scans against 57 Virus Checkers = 100% Virus Free

18-Jan-2015 :: Reinstate "Shareware / Trialware" section of my web site and
"Sudoku Solver Helper Trainer (v1.0t)"

17-Jan-2015 :: Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware Scans - courtesy of

17-Jan-2015 :: RAM / Swap Monitor (v5.2f)

16-Jan-2015 :: CPU Usage Drop Alarm (v1.1f)

13-Jan-2015 :: CPU Usage Drop Alarm (v1.0f)

13-Jan-2015 :: Solar System Simulator (v3.0f)
    Upload new version of Solar System Simulator (v3.0f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    Solar System Simulator is a program to help you visualise the solar system, compare the planets, and find out more about the planets, or help you produce your own reports or assignments on the planets.

    This program includes :

    • An animation of the Solar System, with the planets rotating around the Sun - and you can alter the speed of animation, and choose which planet to "stand on" and the perspective of the rotating planets and Sun is adjusted accordingly. And, you can also trace the orbit of each object - great for helping to visualize / understand the various orbits.

    • Many dozens of Planetary Comparison Graphs (with various options) to let you compare dozens of criteria, such as mass, radius, volume, distances from the sun, atmospheric composition, visits by space probes, wind speeds, and many other criteria for each planet.

    • Planet Reports containing statistics and detailed information on each planet or our Sun - including size, mass, length of day, temperature ranges, density, volume, surface area, orbital velocity, space craft visits, moons, discovery details, and many dozens of other measurements, statistics, and interesting facts.

    • A Weight Calculator to enable you to enter your weight and calculate your weight on each planet.

    • Extract Data: you can copy and paste any or all selected data values into a spreadsheet or your own reports at the click of a mouse button.

    • Gravity Calculator: allows you to enter the mass and volume of an object relative to Earth, and calculate the object's gravity. This works perfectly for all astronomical objects, including stars, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, planets and moons in our solar system, and exo-planets (planets around other stars).

    • Planet and Solar System Images.

    The lots of changes for this 3.0f release: :)

    1. Add the ability to scale all graph values relative to Earth. This makes it easier to visualise the data. For example, instead of seeing the Planet Radius values for each planet (Earth 6,371 Km, Saturn 58,232 Km, etc) you see the sizes relative to Earth (Saturn has 9.14 Earth's radius).
    2. Add "First Graph" and "Last Graph" buttons so you can quickly navigate around the graphs.
    3. Remove "Registered Version" message on the "Data Extraction" tab.
    4. Replace images on "Sizes and Tilts" and "Moons and Dwarf Planets" tabs with higher resolution images. This makes the EXE slightly larger.
    5. Update details for Pluto (add 4 newly discovered moons, etc). Although Pluto isn't "visible" in any of my program's graphs, etc, it is still there behind the scenes.
    6. Fix an issue with this program running under 64 bit versions of Windows Vista, 7, 8, etc. (Auto-run at Windows startup).
    7. Fix the solar system / planetary animation under 64 bit versions of Windows: the problem was that the planets were NOT visible in the animation. It turns out that this problem was caused by an AutoSize parameter for TImage components being handled differently under 64 bit versions of Windows:

      • For 32 bit versions of Windows, if an image is copied to a blank TImage component with a specific size, then the size of the TImage does NOT change, even if it's AutoSize property is set to True.
      • For 64 bit versions of Windows, the TImage size will be set to 0, and 0 pixels are copied, and this is why the planets were not showing up.
      So, the behaviour of the TImage component completely changes depending on which version of Windows you are using. I could NOT find any reference to this anywhere on the internet. Very STRANGE and completely undocumented behaviour. The fix for this was *very* simple: set AutoSize to false for each of the planet TImages, and everything worked perfectly again. :)
    8. Fix a form sizing and scaling issue under 64 bit versions of Windows Vista, 7, 8, etc - where the behaviour is, once again, completely different to 32 bit versions of Windows.
    9. Thank you Microsoft - NOT ! - for continuing the to break and change things behind the scenes in Windows in completely unexpected ways !
    10. Add a Gravity Calculator to the new "Gravity" tab which allows you to enter the mass and volume of an object relative to Earth or the Sun, and calculate the object's gravity. This works perfectly for all astronomical objects, including stars, Neutron Stars, Black Holes and for ExoPlanets. I added this functionality because I was reading some articles about exo-planets today, such as "HD 40307g". The articles said this exo-planet had "eight times the mass of Earth and twice the volume" and that its "gravity will be a real killer for any human visitors". None of the articles mentioned what the gravity was. How strong was its gravity ? Would it really kill humans ? I decided to work out the answers to these questions. So, I added the "Gravity" tab to my Solar System Simulator, added the required calculations, and within a minute or 2 I had my answers: HD 40307g's Gravity = 49.50 m/sec^2, which is 5.04x Earth`s Gravity. Now, this is strong gravity. However, I have experienced more than 6 G for short periods (5-10 seconds or so at a time, but it felt like hours ! ;) in an old Russian MiG fighter jet and 5+G is not particularly comfortable, but it certainly wont kill you. The author's claims of it being a "real killer for any human visitors" are clearly exaggerated. And who knows, eventually humans might learn / adapt to live under such strong gravity ?
    11. Add "Animation Speed Benchmarks" for my most recently purchased computers:
      • Laptop: HP EliteBook (purchased early-2013)
      • Desktop: HP Z220 Workstation (purchased mid-2013)

    12. Add exception handling to the loading and saving of program settings (INI file) so that the program executes and exits cleanly (no error messages produced) even if running from a read-only device such as a optical disk (CD-ROM, etc) or there are disk errors or the disk is full and/or the INI file does not exist and/or it cannot be created.
    13. Explore using a Frame Skip method for the planetary animations in the Solar System Simulator tab, but this did not work as well as the currently implemented "Time Increment" method that I have been using all along. I will explore this further though.
    14. Bring the program up to date with my latest code libraries.

    This program should be interesting to people of all ages. To download the program or see screen shots or view the readme file for more information, see the Solar System Simulator section of my web page. Hope this new version is useful for someone out there ...

7-Jan-2015 :: RAM / Swap Monitor (v5.1f)

6-Jan-2015 :: RAM / Swap Monitor (v5.0f)

4-Jan-2015 :: Disk Monitor (v3.7f)

29-Dec-2014 :: Binary Clock - fix link to download ZIP file

21-Dec-2014 :: My minuscule contribution to the open source VLC / VideoLan Project

13-Dec-2014 :: QI TV Show Unofficial Companion - DEMO Video

11-Dec-2014 :: QI Photo Mosaic of Stephen and Alan - UPDATE :)

5-Dec-2014 :: QI Photo Mosaic of Stephen and Alan - made with photos of every guest who has appeared on the show

29-Nov-2014 :: Units Converter (v1.0f)

17-Nov-2014 :: Sanitize Disk Space CL (v2.2f) - Windows Command Line version

10-Nov-2014 :: Sanitize Disk Space (v2.2f)

3-Nov-2014:: Sag Calculator's HELP Needs You !!

31-Oct-2014:: Web Site Re-Design and Massive Reduction / Re-Focus
13-Oct-2014:: Post Code Lookup (v1.3f)
    Upload a new version of Post Code Lookup (v1.3f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.

    Post Code Lookup enables you to search on postcodes, locations, and states / regions in your country to find the place name or postcode for the locations you are interested in - all at the click of a mouse button. This program comes complete with Postcode data for: Australia (16,640 postcodes / locations), New Zealand (2,219 postcodes / locations), and United Kingdom (27,195 postcodes / locations).

    This new version has the following usability enhancements:

    • Add in the ability to copy the selected post code line of data from the Search Results to Windows Clipboard in a variety of formats by selecting an item in the Postcode Search Results screen and then doing any of these:
      1. Clicking the "Copy" button,
      2. Selecting "Clipboard Copy" from the Right-mouse click popup menu, or
      3. Using the ubiquitous Ctrl-C Windows shortcut.

    • Also tidy up the alignment of labels and data entry boxes on the main screen.

    I use my Post Code Lookup program at least once per day, and usually many times per day, and I have wanted to make these usability enhancements for ages and finally found a spare 10 mins.

    To download the program or see screen shots or view the readme file for more information, see Post Code Lookup.

    If anyone is actually using Post Code Lookup out there - Hellloooooooo ???? - then you might find this new version useful as well.

4-Oct-2014:: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator Registration Form - Update to v2.41

2-Oct-2014:: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator and Windows 10

8-Aug-2014:: HalfStoned .... a collectible game kinda like Hearthstone ....

3-Aug-2014:: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator Registration Form - Re-Update
    Update the Registration Form in the TRIAL version of Sag Calculator, so that it includes my correct email address.

    I've also checked all links to the Registration Form and also checked the Registration Form in the latest version of Sag Calculator (available only for Registered users) and all of these are fine. The only issue was in the TRIAL version ....

    Everything was fine, and people were emailing me and registering Sag Calculator fine until a few weeks ago when Registrations started going to my old email address (which no longer works), and this caused delays and confusion over the last few weeks.

    I apologise for the confusion this has caused.

    Special thanks to Raymond K for his patience and for bringing this to my attention.

14-May-2014 :: Add an Astronomy Link - Special thanks to Kelly and the great kids at Morrow Community Center

2-May-2014 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator - The Survey Results are *IN*

2-May-2014 :: Moose's Software Valley - Back Up Again

12-Apr-2014 :: Email Servers still REJECTING Registration Confirmation and Other Emails from Me

30-Jan-2014 :: Sanitize Disk Space (v2.1f)

13-Dec-2013 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator - License Transfers = No !

13-Dec-2013 :: Supaplex + For Sale = SOLD + Woo Hoo !!!
    Back in 1995 and '96, friends and I frequently played a Mac game called Infotron - we loved the game and played it every chance we got for ages (months).

    Then, I found a PC version of the same game, called Supaplex, and played it even more.

    This was almost 20 years ago now, and even though (by today's standards) Supaplex is an "old DOS game", I still play the game occassionally on my Windows 7 PC thanks to DOSBox.

    Supaplex is one of my "holy grails" of gaming, and I have been searching usenet (user groups), eBay, local second hand stores, "For Sale" ads on the internet, etc for many years so that I could buy the game. Even though it was long ago released as Freeware, I still wanted to own the original game.

    Anyway, today, after many years of searching, I have finally purchased the game on eBay (with the original box !!). I have been watching the game's auction since 2-Sep, but the price was rediculously high and the seller refused to comment on condition or upload *any* photos. However, the price was finally reduced to a more reasonable level, and I decided to hit the "Buy It Now" button before missing out forever.

    Very excited !! I'll add more detail and perhaps even a review in the future ....

8-Dec-2013 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator - Customer Feedback and Testimonials

25-Nov-2013 :: Zip Password Cracker Pro News - People asking for access to old versions
    When I checked my email this morning there were 7 emails from people requesting access to the old v1.2f version of Zip Password Cracker Pro.

    The ZIP file for this version of the program still exists on MediaFire (where I store all my ZIP files), but it's status has been changed from PUBLIC to PRIVATE, because it is an old version and no-one should be downloading it anymore.

    The ONLY reason it is still on MediaFire is because I have started keeping old versions of programs on there so I can see how many people have downloaded each version of my software.

    For example, for v1.2f of Zip Password Cracker Pro, 126,740 people downloaded this program directly from my web site. The real number of downloads is probably many times this, because the program is mirrored on many other web sites.

    There are no links to v1.2f of Zip Password Cracker Pro anywhere on my web site. However, people are still trying to download v1.2 of Zip Password Cracker Pro because there are still links to it on other web sites and web forums, etc that I did not create and that I do not have any control over, so I CANNOT update these out-of-date links (and life is way too short for me to even try).

    Anyway, please do NOT email me asking for access to v1.2f of Zip Password Cracker Pro (or any other old versions or PRIVATE files), because they have been superceded by new versions which are available here on my web site.

    If you do email me requesting access to any old versions or PRIVATE files, it is highly likely you will end up on my SPAMMERs list.

25-Nov-2013 :: Screen Machine (v1.2f)
    Upload new version of Screen Shot Machine (v1.2f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    Screen Shot Machine, or more simply Screen Machine, is a program that captures screen shots of the full screen of your computer in action at 1 minute, 5 minute, or whatever intervals you choose.

    This program might be useful for anyone who wants to check what someone is doing / typing on your computer. e.g. keep track of what your teenage kids or the computer repair guy are doing while using the internet or any other programs on your computer.

    Here are the changes for this 1.2f release:

    1. Fix some program behaviour: not minimising correctly some times and popping up after taking screen shots and regressing to saved settings under some conditions. Special thanks to Jerry P. for reporting the issue.

    2. Save images to JPG files rather than BMP files. I selected BMP files originally because they are super fast to generate and write to disk. JPG requires compression and generating one visibly slowed the PC I was using down for a split second way back when I wrote this program (in the early 2000's). However, modern PCs / laptops / netbooks, etc can generate many JPGs per second with barely a blip on the CPU's radar. Here's how the sizes compare for 1280x1024 desktop screen shots:
      • BMP: 5,121 KB
      • JPG: 450 KB (varies depending on what is on the screen being captured)

      So, they are about 1/10th the size.

    Enjoy !

1-Nov-2013 :: Sudoku Solver Helper Trainer (v1.0t)

26-Oct-2013 :: Screen Machine (v1.1f)
    Upload new version of Screen Shot Machine (v1.1f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    Screen Shot Machine, or more simply Screen Machine, is a program that captures screen shots of the full screen of your computer in action at 1 minute, 5 minute, or whatever intervals you choose.

    This program might be useful for anyone who wants to check what someone is doing / typing on your computer. e.g. keep track of what your teenage kids or the computer repair guy are doing while using the internet or any other programs on your computer.

    Here are the changes for this 1.1f release:

    1. Fix the capturing of screen shots so that this program works properly under Windows 7 and 8 (32 bit and 64 bit) as well as all versions of Windows back to Windows 95. Under Windows 7 and 8, only a black screen was being captured. All fixed now. Special thanks to Jerry P. for reporting the issue.

    2. Prevent the form being rescaled (and text shrinking) when "Capture Screen Now" button is clicked.

    3. Remove a "Registered Version Only" label in the Settings tab.

    4. Bring the program up to date with my latest code libraries.

    5. Update various sections in the Screen_Machine.txt file.

    Enjoy !

26-Oct-2013 :: Zip Password Cracker Pro v1.4f
    Upload new version of Zip Password Cracker Pro (1.4f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    Zip Password Cracker Pro enables you to generate passwords and apply these to password protected ZIP files. This can be an incredibly useful thing to do when you have backed up data to a ZIP file and mistyped or forgotten the password.

    The program has many useful password generation features, and also saves Restart information as it tests passwords so that if the power fails, you switch off your PC, your computer crashes, etc then this program can continue where it left off at the click of a mouse button.

    Here are the changes for this 1.4f release:

    1. Change from a 3rd party Memo component, called TMemoEx, back to the standard Delphi TMemo because TMemoEx refuses to hold more than a few million short passwords. TMemoEx was refusing to hold more than 3,663,901 four character passwords. This is very strange, because I have been using the TMomeEx component for many years and have never encountered anything like this problem before. I searched for an updated / fixed TMemoEx component but could not find one. This is a shame because TMemoEx was a lot faster than TMemo. Special thanks to Jerry P. for reporting this issue.

    2. Display "Loading - Please wait ..." and "Pasting - Please wait ..." messages when loading passwords or pasting passwords (TMemo components are very slow when loading / pasting millions of items).

    3. I also found that TMemo components behave strangely and data access speeds fluctuate wildly when they hold millions of items. To get around this, I removed the check for duplicates when generating passwords to keep the speed the same as prior versions of this program.

    4. For the Brute Force method, calculate and display the number of passwords to be generated and display a progress bar while generating passwords to give a nice visual clue of progress.

    5. Add "Known Issues / Known Limitations" to the Zip_Cracker.txt file. Update various sections in the Zip_Cracker.txt file.

    Enjoy !

23-Oct-2013 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.6) - Registered Users only
    Release a new version of Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.6) via direct email to all of my registered users.

    Overhead Cable Sag Calculator calculates the sag of overhead electricity or other cables using a variety of methods.

    More specifically, this computer program calculates the sag of overhead conductors and earthwires for transmission and distribution lines, enabling you to use a variety of methods to calculate the sag, and also generate a report and save the data for virtually any number of spans and cables within any number of projects.

    This program is for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 and 8 (32 bit and 64 bit).

    Changes for v3.6 of the program include :

    • When working in Imperial units, convert the Minimum and Maximum allowed temperatures to imperial as well (there was one place in my code where I had not done this). Special thanks to Scott C. and Jon G. for reporting this. (Ref: SAG_v3.6.1: Sagp.pas)
    • When working in Imperial units, convert the Minimum and Maximum allowed Span Length to imperial - there was one place where I had not done this. (Ref: SAG_v3.6.2: Sagp.pas)
    • Display the Units of Measure in the status bar at the bottom of the screen (along with the Theodolite setting, etc). (Ref: SAG_v3.6.3: Sagp.pas)
    • Update the status bar with the latest settings for Units of Measure and Theodolite when returning from the Settings Screen. (Ref: SAG_v3.6.4: Sagp.pas)
    • Correct the spelling of "Traveling" (it's not "Travelling" - d'oh). (Ref: SAG_v3.6.5: sag help, MainForm1 of sagp.pas)
    • Tension fields (Series Dynomometer, Shunt Dynomometer, etc) use large force units (e.g. KN not N when metric), so use SAGUC__Force for checking instead of SAGUC__Small_Force. (Ref: SAG_v3.6.6: Sagp.pas)
    • Fix an issue with multiple Metric <-> Imperial changes. e.g. If you changed Settings from Metric -> Imperial and exit back to the main screen, and then go back to Settings and change from Imperial -> Metric, the values on the main screen did not change back to Metric. (Ref: SAG_v3.6.7: sagp.pas)
    • Force Fields uses small force units (e.g. N when metric), so use SAGUC__Small_Force for checking instead of SAGUC__Force. (Ref: SAG_v3.6.8: Sagp.pas)
    • Change to an Excel spreadsheet for the Registration Form (from a Rich Text File, RTF). This change was made to the TRIAL version a few months ago, and it isn't really needed for the FULL version (because people have already registered by then), but here it is just in case someone wants to buy more licenses for more users, upgrade, etc. (Ref: SAG_v3.6.9: Sagp.pas, Register_sag.xls)
    • This is a FREE upgrade for all registered users of version 3.x of the program. (I have emailed this latest version of the program out to all registered users).

    For new users, or users who have not yet upgraded to v3.x, pricing, upgrade costs, and all other details are available here.

    If any new or existing users have any comments or questions, or would like to place an order for this upgrade, then please Email me. I highly recommend you download and trial the program and ensure that it does exactly what you want before you buy. :)

    NOTE: At 2:30 PM on Wednesday, 23-Oct-2013, I emailed all Registered users with FREE upgrades to Overhead Cable Sag Calculator v3.6, and told everyone about the changes / updates to the program. Sadly, the email addresses I have for some registered users are no longer working / valid, so my email to them bounced. If you did not get the email, the please forward a valid contact email to me and I will update your details and make sure you get all update emails from now on. :)

23-Oct-2013 :: Zip Password Cracker Pro v1.3f
    Upload new version of Zip Password Cracker Pro (1.3f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    Zip Password Cracker Pro enables you to generate passwords and apply these to password protected ZIP files. This can be an incredibly useful thing to do when you have backed up data to a ZIP file and mistyped or forgotten the password.

    The program has many useful password generation features, and also saves Restart information as it tests passwords so that if the power fails, you switch off your PC, your computer crashes, etc then this program can continue where it left off at the click of a mouse button.

    Here are the changes for this 1.3f release:

    1. Fix the display of passwords containing the ampersand "&" character. Prior to this fix, ampersands were being interpreted in the success dialog as "underline the next character". Special thanks to Jerry P. for reporting this.

    2. Add checking to make sure the selected ZIP file is a standard ZIP and that it can be decrypted by the UnzDll.Dll I am using. Special thanks to Jerry P. for reporting this.

    3. Always check for blank / no password before doing any other password checking.

    4. If the password is found, display it in a box in the bottom right hand corner and display a "Copy to Clipboard" button next to this to make it easy for the user to obtain the password.

    5. Display a progress bar while checking passwords to give a nice visual clue of progress.

    6. Add a "Display ZIP Information" button next to ZIP File name to display basic information about the ZIP file (this is all available information from the DLL I am using), and estimate whether the ZIP format / encryption method is standard and whether the password can be cracked or not. All the DLL seems to return is "ErrorCode 8" if it doesn't recognise the ZIP format or encryption method (and this ErrorCode is not mentioned at all in the Help File for the DLL or the ZIP component). So, all I can do is check for "ErrorCode 8".

    7. Update to the very latest version of UnzDll.Dll I can find. It is v173 and dated 15-Jul-2003, obtained from the "" file from Torry's Delphi Pages: I will continue to explore other / more up-to-date ZIP components, but no guarantees. (Exploring each one is many hours of work and many seem to have issues, most seem to be a nightmare to install / get working, and few seem to have help files associated with them).

    8. Check the version of UnzDll.Dll is the correct / expected one before trying to crack any passwords.

    9. Add extra items to and update the FAQ and text file accompnaying the program.

    10. Bring the program up to date with my latest code libraries.

    Enjoy !

1-Oct-2013 :: Sag Calculator Registration Form
    Update Sag Calculator's Registration Form and the same form included with the Sag Calculator TRIAL version as follows:

    • Add in the requirement for a second email address:

      • Email Address #2: Please provide a second email address that is OUTSIDE of your company. If your company's email server blocks or rejects the Registration Confirmation or any other emails that I send - and this is happening increasingly often - then I will use this second email address for email correspondence. If you don't supply a second email address, and your company blocks my emails, then you will have to find some other way to contact me. e.g. create a GMail or Yahoo email account and email me from this.

      (See below for background details.)

    • Add notes about what to do if you Register Sag Calculator or email me and don't receive a reply email within 24 hours:

      • If you Register Sag Calculator or send me an email and don't receive a reply within 24 hours, then please email me from another email account - OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMPANY, such as a GMail or Yahoo or some other account, because it is very likely that your company has deleted or blocked my email replies.

      (See below for background details.)

    • Add formatting to dates and credit card numbers to make it easier to tell if you have entered the right number of digits.

    • The form now also caters for major version upgrades (minor version upgrades are free). e.g. if you register Sag Calculator v3.2 then all version 3.x upgrades are free. So, for example, Sag Calculator v3.3, v3.4, v3.5, etc are all free. However, when Sag Calculator v4 is released, then you will need to pay an upgrade fee to access this latest version of the program. Once the upgrade fee has been paid, all v4.x of the program will be free upgrades. So, for example, v4.1, v4.2, etc would then be free upgrades. The Registration Form now handles this.

    NOTE: As I said below the development / release of an Android, iOS, etc version of Sag Calculator will change how upgrades and purchases work - but exactly how things will work is still to be determined (it all depends on projected sales, how much work is involved, etc).

1-Oct-2013 :: Email Servers REJECTING Registration Confirmation and Other Emails from Me

28-Sep-2013 :: Embarcadero Delphi XE5

25-Sep-2013 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator - Training Videos
    Add a new "Downloading the Training Videos to your Computer" section to the Training Videos web page for Overhead Cable Sag Calculator.

    This page provides lots of advice and links to enable you to download the videos quickly and easily to your computer, desktop, laptop, or mobile device (Android, iOS, etc).

    NOTE: access to Training Videos web page is restricted to Registered Users who purchase the training videos package.

24-Sep-2013 :: Disk Space Logger (v1.0)

23-Sep-2013 :: Embarcadero Delphi XE5 - Day 02 - Start Time: 9:30 AM, End Time: 11:30 PM

22-Sep-2013 :: Embarcadero Delphi XE5 - Day 01 - Start Time: 12:30 PM, End Time: 9:35 PM

20+21-Sep-2013 :: Lazarus Free Pascal - Day 01 and 02

20-Sep-2013 :: Sag Calculator v4.0 ... ANDROID ?? Apple iOS ?? Let me know what you want !
    Over the last 6-8 weeks or so on a part-time basis, I have started work on Sag Calculator v4.0, which features major changes and improvements, such as:

    • Converted the WinHelp file to more modern Compressed HTML Help (CHM) format.

    • Totally revamping / re-writing large portions of the on-line help and updating all screen shots.

    • Ability to delete data, such as sags, spans, combinations, cable bundles, structures, etc.

    • "Check for Updates" and similar functionality to keep registered users of Sag Calculator informed and up-to-date, even if their email address changes / no longer works.

    • Added in loads of usability and other enhancements.

    An enormous amount of work and testing still has to be done. e.g. The changes require a whole new data file format, and this means I need to develop a converter for people to upgrade their Sag Calculator v3.x project files to v4.x format.

    NOTE: Sag Calculator v4.0 will not be ready for release for many months.

    If there is anything you want changed or added in Sag Calculator, then now is the perfect time to email me and let me know. :)

    Anything is possible ! e.g. New reports, data extraction functionality (to enable you to export Sag data to spreadsheet and generate your own reports, etc), and so on. You decide !

    There is also the distinct possibility of an ANDROID version of Sag Calculator, for running on Android Tablets and devices. Only one person has asked me about this (and it was very recently). Would you like this ? Let me know. :)

    If I am doing an ANDROID version, I might also do an Apple iOS version for users with Apple iPad and similar devices. Only one person has asked me about this (and it was around 6 months ago). Would you like this ? Let me know. :)

    Note that ANDROID and iOS development will require *VERY* substantial investments from me in the following areas:

    • Books and software purchases. A version of Delphi that allows me to develop for Android and iOS, such as Delphi XE5 costs from $1,299.00 + $649 for the mobile add-on pack, up to $5,199.00 AUD depending on what version I buy. That's right, I could spend anywhere from $1,950 up to $5,200 AUD just on software !!!!,

    • Coming up to speed in these new development environments. i.e. learning to develop Android and iOS software and conforming to the standards expected in each environment, making proper use of touch screens, etc.

    • Converting Sag Calculator's source code to work in these new development environments.

    • Working out how best to implement Sag Calculator on touch screen devices with various resolutions and screen sizes.

    All up, an ANDROID version of Sag Calculator could easily involve 2-3 or so months of full time work and could easily involve me spending $1,900 or more on books and software. If the emulators built into the development environment aren't up to par, then I will also need to buy various tablets and devices to test each release of Sag Calculator. This could add many $1,000's to the cost !

    And, once released, I might need to maintain multiple separate code bases. Ideally, I will try and keep everything in a single code base, but this might not be possible. e.g. if I make a change to Sag Calculator for Windows, then I might then need to make the same changes to separate source codes for ANDROID and iOS as well. And then do 3 lots of testing. Yiiikes ! Talk about a lot of work !!

    Pricing for ANDROID and iOS versions of Sag Calculator will depend on the amount of work and cost, and projected sales. They certainly will not be free. But, if sales are high, then this will bring the price down.

    It's clear before I even start that ANDROID and iOS certainly wont be cheap or easy !

    In the last 12-24 months, Sag Calculator sales have increased relatively "dramatically", but sales are still very low. Sag Calculator is niche market software with a *very small* niche. Sag Calculator was first released on 5-Sep-2000, 13 years ago, and there are now 110 Registered Users (most have large multi-user volume discounts). This equates to 8.43 sales per year on average. Like I said, it is *VERY* low volume.

    But, anyway, I'm happy to discuss things and see what people want. I will consider all requests ! And, if multiple people have the same request, or if you ask for a change that would be useful for others (even if no-one else has asked for it), then your request will be bumped up higher in my "To Do List".

    If no-one asks for a change, or if no-one asks for a particular version (e.g. iOS), then I will be more likely to leave this out or add it to my "Possible Future Changes List".

    So, it's all up to you, my Registered Users and people who are thinking of registering in the future. :) Let me know what changes / additions you would like to see in Sag Calculator, and I will do my best to make it happen in the future.

    UPDATE: 21-Sep-2013 @ 4:04 PM

    • I sent an email to all registered users to alert everyone to the above, so that everyone is fully informed and has ample opportunity to be involved and vote and have their say in the future of Sag Calculator.

    • To do this, I built a list of all known email addresses for all registered users: all email addresses used on registration forms, all email addresses used by registered users for enquiries / questions / comments / feedback, all email addresses added or updated later on, and so on. This gave me total of 51 unique email addresses.

    • My email was successfully delivered to 42 of these email addresses.

    • Sadly, 9 email addresses were no longer invalid. For 3 of these email addresses my email had also been sent to valid email addresses for others at the same company, so the news got through. For 6 of these email addresses I have no valid email address for anyone at the same company ... There's not much I can do about this ... hard to contact people without a valid email address ... Hopefully they will check my web page soon and email me their latest email addresses.

3-Sep-2013 :: Zip Password Cracker Pro - Screen Shot - Link Fix
    Rename and re-link the screen shot for Zip Password Cracker Pro. It looks like my web host no longer allows access to certain files, and "ZIP_Cracker.gif" is apparently on the "banned list", but "ZIP_Cracker.txt" seems to be acceptable. Strange .... Anyway, a slight change to the GIF file name fixes the issue. Special thanks to Mike V for reporting the issue earlier today.

2-Sep-2013 :: Page Counters - Re-Added
    Back in the early days, my web site, Moose's Software Valley, had visitor counters on the main page, and later, on all of the pages. Between 27-Nov-1996 and 26-Oct-1999, these counters recorded 566,490 unique visits to my web site. That works out to 3,735 visits per week !! :) I was excited and *very* happy to see that my web site was becoming so incredibly popular. :)

    However, since then, my web site counters have usually been unreliable or faulty or broken. e.g. the free page counter services I was using frequently and randomly closed down and their web sites were disbanded. I tried searching for and using other counters many times, but these turned out to be faulty or didn't last long either .... It was a constant battle to try and keep the page counters going.

    For ages I have wanted to add reliable counters, but I was pretty tired of having counters only work for a short time. I'd much rather spend time updating my existing software or developing new software than chasing around the internet trying to find a reliable page counter.

    Anyway, as of today at 2:00 PM (GMT+10), I have re-added page counters to all of my web pages, courtesy of And, I have made these public so that my web page visitors can see my page counters and, for anyone who might be interested, click the View My Stats link at the end of each page to see detailed visit statistics.

    Sadly, the counters are starting back at 0 again .... but it sure will be interesting to see how much traffic my web site gets now. I am guessing it will be a small fraction of what I got in the early days - the internet is so large now, and there are many 1,000's of times more web pages now.

    I am guessing that I get less than 1,000 visitors per year now, but I would love to be proved wrong !! :)

    It will be interesting to see how things go. :)

1-Sep-2013 :: Text Buttons - fix download link
    Fix the download link for Text Buttons. Special thanks to Eddie B for letting me know the link was broken.
    Text Buttons enables you to place often used pieces of text behind anything up to 750 buttons, and view 1, 2, 3, or 4 columns of 15 of these buttons at any time, so that any text you need is very easily and quickly obtainable when required.

10-Aug-2013 :: Sag Calculator Registration Form
    Update the Registration Form: you could not enter a date into the box at the bottom of the form - all fixed now. Special thanks to Gerald W for reporting the issue earlier today. :)

7-Aug-2013 :: Password Generator (v1.0)

27-July-2013 :: Tribute to My Boogle

    ???-1999 to 26-July-2013 - Dear Boogle, rest in peace my little darling.

    Boogle was a beautiful, friendly, happy doggie and a truly great friend.

    Back in 1999, he was on death row at the local dog pound, and my friend Murray discovered and rescued him at about 11:30 AM, just before he was to be put down at 12 noon. This poor doggie was about 18 months old at this time, but in a shocking and terrible state - very dirty, covered with ticks and fleas, and as skinny as a rake with backbone and ribs sticking right out. But, Murray took him home and cleaned him up (lots of baths) and fed him.

    As well as getting lots of good food into him, he also needed a name. After trying out lots of names, and racking our brains for the right name over several weeks, my mother, one day out of the blue, called him a "Booglie thing", and the name Boogle stuck - it was perfect for him.

    Very soon, Boogle adopted me as his new dad. He would sit in the doorway of my bedroom at night and watch me sleep, unsure whether he could go in, and he would keep trying to sit with me when I was watching TV. I had a dog already, a sweet Shitzu called Jessica, and I did not want another doggie. Slowly but surely, Boogle worked his magic and wheedled under my skin, and very soon, I came to love him as my own son. I often called him "Myson", short for for "my son". He slept on my bed every night, stayed close to me whever I was around, kept me company when I was working in the office, and we went for walks together every day (usually several times a day).

    He loved walks on the beach, walks in the bush, climbing and running, and he loved fishing - chasing and catching the small fish that almost boil out of the sand when the tide was coming in. He would go bounding through the shallow water, leaping around, trying to catch them in his mouth. Even though the fish were really fast, and zig zagged about, Boogle became a very good fisherman. When he caught a fish, he would "massage" them a bit in his mouth, put them down on the sand and lick them once or twice, and then I would carry the fish back to the water and he would watch closely as I let it go, and we both watched the fish swim off. Then he would run ahead and look for more.

    Boogle and I helped to run a motel together at nights and on weekends, and Boogle was always the perfect motel doggie - he never barked unless there was a really good reason, and he was very friendly and gentle with our customers and their kids, and (when we decided to introduce a pet friendly apartment), he was very friendly and gentle with their dogs as well.

    In a park once, a man with another dog, a husky, screamed at me to keep my dog away, because his dog will rip mine to bits. His dog was very savage and anti-social. But, Boogle gently and slowly walked up to the dog, they touched noses, and the dog instantly changed, becoming friendly and wagging his tail. The man was speechless and shocked - he had never seen his dog become so friendly with another dog before or so quickly. Boogle had this way with everyone - people, dogs, cats, etc. He had a magical, calming effect, and a wonderful, friendly personality. I've seen him work his magic and calm things down many dozens of times.

    When I went sailing, Boogle came with me, even though boats did scare him, especially when the weather was rough and the keel would swing back and bang under the boat. We'd sail during the day and then camp onboard in sheltered bays on the lee side of one of the Keppel Islands.

    He was always such a friendly and gentle little chap. He loved being patted and brushed. He was always ready to comfort me when I was stressed or sad, always ready for a run and play, and he just loved being with me. The feeling was mutual. I hated to have to leave him when I had to go shopping, etc - it almost made me feel sick inside, and I know Boogle felt the same.

    You are sorely missed Boogle. In so many ways, you were the wind beneath my wings. Rest in peace my darling friend.

    Here's a higher-res picture of Boogle in his coat, and here's my Tribute to My Boogle YouTube video.

16-July-2013 :: Sort It Out (v1.5f)
    Upload a new version of Sort It Out (v1.5f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    This new version adds a "Do *NOT* Sort" option to the Sort Method dropdown box. This is for when you want to process text from the clipboard (and remove duplicates, trim off white space, etc according to the other settings) but not actually sort the text. I have needed to do this a lot lately, so I added the functionality into Sort It Out (v1.5f).

14-Jul-2013 :: Email Address Obscurifier v1.1

6-July-2013 :: Copy_File_Mod_DateTime (v1.0)

3-July-2013 :: Windows 8.1 Preview (with ClassicShell)
    OK, after my experience with the original Windows 8 Preview, I was a little skeptical about how much Microsoft had listened to user feedback about their new OS.

    The latest version, Windows 8.1 , has just been released, and I've just downloaded and installed the 64 bit version in VirtualBox, and given it a few hours of usage, and I must say that I'm impressed: super fast and with light memory usage (~500 MB footprint), and it sure seems a lot easier to navigate around and do things.

    Installation was very straight forward, but I had to select Custom Settings (rather than Express Settings) because I did not have, or want to setup, a Microsoft account. The only settings I changed were on the "Share info with Microsoft and other sevices" screen - I turned all of these OFF. ;)

    Windows 8.1 is really easy to navigate even with just a mouse (none of my machines have "touch screens"). e.g. it only takes 1 mouse click to jump from the Desktop to the Metro interface, or back again.

    A START button is there, but not the sorely missed START menu - so it seems that perhaps Microsoft is not listening to users as well as many had hoped. However, after installing ClassicShell (freeware), the full start menu is back (just like in Windows 7 and earlier versions) - see screen shot.

    Windows 8.1 together with ClassicShell makes it all so easy and so painless - a real piece of cake !

    I have no plans to upgrade my main desktop and laptop machines to Windows 8 (both use Windows 7 Pro x64), because there's just not enough reason to change at this stage. However, if I was buying a new machine, I'd be perfectly happy if it came with Windows 8.1.

2-June-2013 :: Sag Calculator TRIAL Version - updated
    I have just updated the TRIAL version of Sag Calculator to have my updated email address and web page links, and have also updated all Registration Form links (to the new XLS spreadsheet).

    The TRIAL version is still v3.3 of Sag Calculator, and while this isn't the latest version, it is still more than good enough to let people really try out and test the program and make sure it does exactly what they need.

    Why aren't I providing a TRIAL version of v3.5 (the latest version) of Sag Calculator ? Due to the evil hackers and crackers on the internet that love ripping off people's work and distributing nasty cracked versions that often contain trojans and viruses. Hopefully, no-one will create a cracked version of v3.3 because it is an old version. And, distributing an old version of Sag Calculator as the TRIAL version will hopefully disuade people from looking cracked versions and therefore protect them from viruses / trojans.

28-May-2013 :: Sag Calculator - Email to Registered Users - Status Update
    Yesterday, I sent out an update email to all registered users of Sag Calculator, however, this email bounced (i.e. failed to be delivered) for 7 (seven) people's email addresses.

    I urge all registered users to email me if your email address changes, so that I can keep you up-to-date with news about Sag Calculator.

    For these 7 people, there's nothing I can do, I don't have any other contact details, so I hope they visit this web site soon and see the Sag Calculator update, and then email me with their latest email addresses. :)

27-May-2013 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.5)
    Release a new version of Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.5) via direct email to all of my registered users.

    Overhead Cable Sag Calculator calculates the sag of overhead electricity or other cables using a variety of methods.

    More specifically, this computer program calculates the sag of overhead conductors and earthwires for transmission and distribution lines, enabling you to use a variety of methods to calculate the sag, and also generate a report and save the data for virtually any number of spans and cables within any number of projects.

    This program is for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 and 8.

    Changes for v3.5 of the program include :

    • Please Note: This release (v3.5) is *exactly* the same as v3.4c TEST Release that was distributed earlier to people who reported any issues or were helping with the testing. So, if you are using v3.4c TEST Release then you do not need to "upgrade" to v3.5 if you don't want to, because there are NO changes or differences at all (apart from the changed version number).

    • Fix the handling of saving / loading of projects to / from directories where the directory path is other than Sag Calculator's installation directory. Special thanks to the Power Engineering guys for finding and reporting this issue. (Ref: SAG_v3.5.1: Sagp.pas)

    • Make sure the user has entered at least one Structure Type, Cable Position, Cable Code Name, and Valid Combination in the "Structure Details" tab on the Setttings screen (i.e. the user needs to click the "Setup" button). Prior to this change, Sag Calculator displayed a "List out of bounds" error, if the user did not enter any of these details, which was *not* user friendly at all. Special thanks to the Power Engineering guys for finding and reporting this issue. (Ref: SAG_v3.5.2: Sagp.pas)

    • Update my email address to: Moose_Software AT (Ref: SAG_v3.5.3: and

    • Update my Web page to new web page location / url. (Ref: SAG_v3.5.4:

    • Add a status bar at the bottom of the screen which displays the number of Spans and Cable Sags saved so far for the project. Move the 'verticle circle' status to the status bar as well. No-one asked for this, I just thought it was a useful feature to add. (Ref: SAG_v3.5.5: Sagp.pas)

    • Change the Registration Form from a Rich Text Document (RTF) to an Excel spreadsheet, which automatically caters for and calculates volume discounts, calculates totals, and provides a range of other features and is much more user friendly. Note: I also double checked that this Excel spreadsheet worked perfectly OK with a 10 year olf version of Microsoft Office, and a 3+ year old and recent versions of OpenOffice's Calc - so no-one needs to rush out, buy Microsoft Office, or spend any money to fill out the registration form. :) Use any spreadsheet that can handle Excel files - and most do. e.g. OpenOffice's Calc (freeware):

    • SPECIAL THANKS to: Scott C and the guys at Power Engineering for finding and reporting the issues above.

    • This is a FREE upgrade for all registered users of version 3.x of the program. (I have emailed this latest version of the program out to all registered users).

    For new users, or users who have not yet upgraded to v3.x, pricing, upgrade costs, and all other details are available here.

    If any new or existing users have any comments or questions, or would like to place an order for this upgrade, then please Email me. I highly recommend you download and trial the program and ensure that it does exactly what you want before you buy. :)

    NOTE: On 27-May-2013, I emailed all Registered users with FREE upgrades to Overhead Cable Sag Calculator v3.5, and told everyone about the changes / updates to the program.

27-May-2013 :: NEW Email Address and WEB Address (URL)
    Please also note that the redirection service I have been using for more than 10 years now, has shut-down and gone out of businesses with very little notice - so my "old" email address (moose AT and my old web address ( no longer work. The redirection service was often flakey, especially with regards to email, so it's closure is not the end of the world.

    My new contact details are:

    All of my freeware programs list my old email address and old web page address (URL). One rainy day, I might get around to recompiling them all and uploading the updated versions. However, I don't know how useful this will be in the big scheme of things - my freeware programs are mirrored / spread all over the internet, on web sites that I have no knowledge of or control over, so these will always be out-of-date.

3-Dec-2012 :: Milestone: 501 New / Updated Programs developed and released since July 1996
    WOW, my web site, Moose's Software Valley, hit another milestone recently, and this almost went unnoticed.

    I just happened to scroll down on the Software Updates section of my web page when I was updating the page for the Sort It Out (v1.4f) release a few minutes ago, and noticed that this was my 501 st new / updated program since . Moose's Software Valley, was set-up in July, 1996 - 16.5 years ago.

    That seems like a pretty amazing milestone for a single programmer working on his own. :)

    Will my web site be around for another 500 new / updated programs ? Will my web site be around in 16 years ? Well, not if you believe the world is going to end in a couple of weeks (the end of the Mayan calendar) - LOL, ROFL, LMAO. ;)

    Only time will tell what happens to my web site in the future, but I can say one thing for certain - the world is *NOT* going to end any time soon. Yes, you can quote me on that. :)

    And, people should be taking careful note of those who are claiming the world is going to end soon, because they will be dissappearing back under their rocks and changing their stories soon - as these kind of morons always do. Yeah, you can quote me on that as well. :)

3-Dec-2012 :: Sort It Out (v1.4f)

27-Nov-2012 :: Moose's Valley Back Again - New Hosting Company:
    Apparently my old web hosting company has shut-down, so I have just moved everything to a new provider: I must say that I like this new company a lot so far: I created an account and FTP'd my entire web site to my new host all within minutes. It was all just so easy !!! So, special thanks to and also to Carrie D for emailing me and telling me that my web site is gone ... I got Carrie's email literally 10 mins ago - so I am back up and running again in super quick time - woo hoo ! :)

    UPDATE: To visit my web site, you can use either of these links (the first link is preferred):

    1. new web page location / url #1 - edit: removed, no longer valid.
    2. new web page location / url #2 - edit: removed, no longer valid.

    As always, the first link (new web page location / url #1 - edit: removed, no longer valid) is preferred because this will always point at my current web site location. The 2nd link, on the other hand, will completely change depending on where my web site moves in the future.

5-Sep-2012 :: Cinematronics Development System found - Miracles do happen
    Scott over at AtariGames (formerly known as SafeStuff) has just made an amazing find: a Cinematronics Development System with 4 big boxes full of old 8 inch floppy disks containing the source code to old Cinematronics games, including games that have never been released.

    Love that they used UCSD Pascal. (In spare time lately, I've been going back to my roots and doing some Pascal coding under CP/M on an Apple ][). And that Terak sure is a cute piece of kit as well. Some lost prototype games have been discovered. What a find !! An incredible piece of programming history has now been preserved, thanks to Scott.

    Very happy to see this found and in safe hands (it was literally about 2 days away from going into a dumpster). Well done Scott !! :)

    Read all about it here:

21-July-2012 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.4)
    Release a new version of Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.4) via direct email to registered users.

    Overhead Cable Sag Calculator calculates the sag of overhead electricity or other cables using a variety of methods.

    More specifically, this computer program calculates the sag of overhead conductors and earthwires for transmission and distribution lines, enabling you to use a variety of methods to calculate the sag, and also generate a report and save the data for virtually any number of spans and cables within any number of projects.

    This program is for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.

    Changes for v3.4 of the program include :

    • Please Note: This release (v3.4) is *exactly* the same as v3.3c TEST Release that was distributed earlier to people who reported any issues or were helping with the testing. If you are using v3.3c TEST Release then you do not need to upgrade to v3.4 if you don't want to, because there are NO changes or differences at all (apart from the changed version number).

    • Add "SAGUC__Acceleration_Gravity" as a unit of measure (this is a support change for one of the changes below). (Ref: SAG_v3.4.1: SAG_Unit_Convert.INC)

    • Update the SAGUC__Convert_Number_To_New_Units method to handle "SAGUC__Acceleration_Gravity" (this is a support change for one of the changes below). (Ref: SAG_v3.4.2: SAG_Unit_Convert.INC)

    • Fix Travelling WAVE Method, Swing Method, Series Dynamometer Method, and Shunt Dynamometer Method to handle gravity (and cable mass, which is calculated from gravity) correctly when the units of measure change. (Ref: SAG_v3.4.3: sagp.pas)

    • Fix angle issues with Azimuth theodolite. (Ref: SAG_v3.4.4: sagp.pas)

    • Fix an issue with loading the auto-loading the last used project (when the program is next run). Only attempt to get the directory if it is blank. (Ref: SAG_v3.4.5: sagp.pas)

    • Disable warning message of inclination or declination is over 40 Degrees ! (Ref: SAG_v3.4.6: sagp.pas)

    • Place the Vertical Circle Setting (Theodolite) next to the "Cable Sag Details" tab just to help you remember which Theodolite you are using.

    • Fix very strange and very rare issue with angle conversions. I tracked the problem down to an issue with Borland Delphi's TRUNC and ROUND functions. The exact same calculations and formulas in Excel produced different results in some rare cases. I think I have worked around the issue, but will monitor it very carefully. (Ref: SAG_v3.4.7: sagp.pas)

    • SPECIAL THANKS to: Lisa D, Tom P, Richard A, Frank B, Jason C, Joe S, and anyone I've missed for reporting any issues and/or for helping with the testing and verification process.

    • This is a FREE upgrade for all registered users of version 3.x of the program. (I have emailed this latest version of the program out to all users).

    For new users, or users who have not yet upgraded to v3.x, pricing, upgrade costs, and all other details are available here.

    If any new or existing users have any comments or questions, or would like to place an order for this upgrade, then please Email me. I highly recommend you download and trial the program and ensure that it does exactly what you want before you buy. :)

    NOTE: On 21-Jul-2012, I emailed all Registered users with FREE upgrades to Overhead Cable Sag Calculator v3.4, and told everyone about the changes / updates to the program.

22-Apr-2012 :: Post Code Lookup (v1.2fc) - Updated Postcode Data File(s)
    Upload a new version of Post Code Lookup (v1.2fc) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.

    Post Code Lookup enables you to search on postcodes, locations, and states / regions in your country to find the place name or postcode for the locations you are interested in - all at the click of a mouse button. This program comes complete with Postcode data for : Australia (16,640 postcodes / locations), New Zealand (2,219 postcodes / locations), and United Kingdom (27,195 postcodes / locations).

    NOTE: There are NO changes to the program itself, I have just updated the Australian Postcodes Data File to the very latest version. Interestingly, this latest Australian Postcodes Data File contains 100 fewer postcodes than the old version (last updated 2 years ago).

    I use this program many times per day, so the updated data file is a useful update for me. If anyone is actually using Post Code Lookup out there - Hellloooooooo ???? - then it should help you as well. :)

    Enjoy ! :)

17-Apr-2012 @ 6:39 PM (GMT+10) :: Jordan Mechner's Prince of Persia source code - Update #5 - Downloadable !

17-Apr-2012 @ 11:35 AM (GMT+10) :: Jordan Mechner's Prince of Persia source code - Update #4 - SAVED
    Further to my update #1, update #2, and update #3 below ....

    Great news. The disks were error free, and Jordan's original Prince of Persia source code has now been recovered / backed up.

    The 23 year old 3.5 inch floppy disks were 100% error free.

    WOW - that sure is great news !

    Excellent work Jordan, Jason, and Tony !!! And congratulations Jordan on recovering your work from 1988-1989.

16-Apr-2012 @ 11:08 AM (GMT+10) :: Jordan Mechner's Prince of Persia source code - Update #3
    Further to my update #1 and update #2 below ....

    24 hours later, and according to Jordan's Twitter feed they are still "Waiting for luggage to come off the carousel at LAX". I knew LAX was a busy place, but I never knew it was that busy ! ;)

    Come on Jordan, please tweet an update. ;) Throw us a bone .... Give us some news .... Pleeeeease ... ;)

    Oh well, back to the only thing I can do ....

15-Apr-2012 @ 4:58 PM (GMT+10) :: Jordan Mechner's Prince of Persia source code - Update #2
    Further to my post below ....

    According to his Twitter feed poor old Jordan's been "Waiting for luggage to come off the carousel at LAX" for the last 8 hours,

    Come on Jordan, please give us an update. ;)

    Even "Gone out for pizza" is better than nothing. :)

    Really wish I was part of the team to recover the lost source code. :)

    Oh well, I'll keep checking for updates .... My finger is starting to get sore ... ;)

15-Apr-2012 :: Email Address Obscurifier - Download Link = Fixed !!

15-Apr-2012 @ 11:50 AM (GMT+10) :: Jordan Mechner's Prince of Persia source code - about to attemp recovery *SOON*
    Generally, I don't post general news on my web site anymore. I used to do this for many years, and often many times a day, especially in the early days of Moose's Software Valley . But there are now millions of web sites posting general news, and the last thing the internet needs is another. So these days, I usually only post news about my own software updates.

    Unless something incredibly exciting happens .... and now is such a time !! :)

    What is this exciting news ? Jordan Mechner is a GIANT among computer programmers and software developers, and he is the creator of the Prince of Persia games , and the Karateka game (1984) game and others before this.

    After many years of searching, he has recently found the "ancient" floppy disks containing his long lost source code for the original version of Prince of Persia (1989) which he developed on the Apple ][ computer,

    As we speak, a small team of experts including:

    are meeting up with Jordan to attempt recovery of his source code for Prince of Persia.

    This is SOOOOOOOOOO Exciting !!! :)

    According to Jordan's Twitter feed they are now standing at Los Angeles LAX International Airport waiting to collect their luggage.

    Within a few hours they will hopefully be starting the recovery process - doing lots of testing (I am sure) *before* touching the priceless backup disks of course. :)

    Back in 1999, I purchased an Apple ][c and used Apple Disk Transfer (ADT) to recover some of my old Apple ][ work from the early 1980's from all of the disks that I had left (most had been thrown out in the early 1990's when my parents moved house and my store room was cleaned out. I would never have thrown them out, but I was living and working on the other side of the planet at the time). Some of my disks could not be recovered - they suffered from the ravages of bit rot and decay. So, I have a very good idea of what Jordan, Jason, and Tony might face. Recovery can be easy (if the disks are good) or nighmarishly difficult (if the disks are damaged).

    Want to find out more ? Read the following:

    Good luck with the recivery Jordan, Jason, and Tony !!! :) Hope you can recover all of your source code and other files.

    I am literally on the edge of my seat here waiting to hear and see how you get on ... Sooooooooo exciting !!! :) This is what I am doing as I watch Jordan's Twitter feed web page =======>>>>>

11-Feb-2012 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator - Training Videos
    I have created a series of training videos for Overhead Cable Sag Calculator in which I cover everything from installation, the basics, and advanced features and usage. By watching these videos you will be able to come up-to-speed on using Sag Calculator very quickly.

    So far there are 3 training videos:

    • Training Video #1: Sag v3.x Installation Walkthrough (running time: 8:52)

    • Training Video #2: Sag v3.x The Basics (running time: 48:42)

    • Training Video #3: Sag v3.x Advanced Topics (running time: 9:56)

    These videos can be purchased when you register Sag Calculator, or registered users can purchase them at any time in the future. More videos will be created / added in the future (if they are supported).

    NOTE: On 11-Feb-2012, I emailed all Registered users with FREE upgrades to Overhead Cable Sag Calculator v3.3, and told everyone about the changes / updates to the program, the new training videos, and provided everyone with the new / updated install instructions.

11-Feb-2012 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.3)
    Upload new version of Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.3) Updated Program to my Other Shareware Programs Page.

    Overhead Cable Sag Calculator calculates the sag of overhead electricity or other cables using a variety of methods.

    More specifically, this computer program calculates the sag of overhead conductors and earthwires for transmission and distribution lines, enabling you to use a variety of methods to calculate the sag, and also generate a report and save the data for virtually any number of spans and cables within any number of projects.

    This program is for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. According to several registerted users, Sag Calculator also works fine on Windows Vista (64 bit) and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), providing you don't install the program to C:\Program Files\Sag Calculator\ (as with Vista 32 bit). e.g. install to C:\Sag Calculator\ or similar.

    Changes for v3.3 of the program include :

    • Fix an issue with the help file and Windows 7 (64 bit) (even after installing Windows Help Support, ) due to the fact that Microsoft have renamed the Windows help file EXE from Winhelp.exe to Winhlp32.exe. Microsoft are usually very good with backwards compatibility, so it is suprising to seem them renaming executables that support legacy files. Sag Calculator now checks a range of WinHelp program names and runs whichever of these exisit on the machine before displaying the help file. If no Windows Help Support is installed, display an informative error message, directing the user to follow the instructions provided in their Sag Registration Confirmation email and the FREE Sag Upgrade Announcement email. (Code Ref: SAG_v3.3.1:

    • Add Windows Help Support installation to the Sag Registration Confirmation email and the FREE Sag Upgrade Announcement email sent to all registered users.
      NOTE: I will move to the new Compressed Html (CHM) help file format one of these days. It's just going to involve a few days of work to make the changes, update all the context sensitive links, and then a few days more work to test everything on every Windows platform under the sun from Windows 95 onwards.

    • Change the default install location to c:\Sag Calculator\ to avoid the issue of claimed file extensions that crops up in the c:\Program Files\ directory under Windows Vista, 7, and later. This change is because most people now seem to be using Windows Vista or Windows 7 (or later). (Ref: SAG_v3.3.2: Sag Calculator - Wise Installer.wse).

    • Sag Calculator tested under Windows 8 (developer preview): I have tested Sag Calculator (prior versions and this laterst version) under Windows 8, and all seems to work fine. Can't say I like Windows 8 at this stage. It's very strange. So, I'll be sticking with Windows XP, Vista, and 7 on my machines for the forseeable future (several years).

    • This is a FREE upgrade for all registered users of version 3.x of the program. (I have emailed this latest version of the program out to all users).

    For new users, or users who have not yet upgraded to v3.x, pricing, upgrade costs, and all other details are available here.

    If any new or existing users have any comments or questions, or would like to place an order for this upgrade, then please Email me. I highly recommend you download and trial the program and ensure that it does exactly what you want before you buy. :)

    NOTE: On 11-Feb-2012, I emailed all Registered users with FREE upgrades to Overhead Cable Sag Calculator v3.3, and told everyone about the changes / updates to the program, the new training videos, and provided everyone with the new / updated install instructions.

9-Feb-2012 :: Zip Password Cracker Pro
    Updated the text file that accompanies Zip Password Cracker Pro (1.2fb).
    I've added a "Frequently Asked Questions" to the text file that accompanies Zip Password Cracker Pro (1.2fb), clarified some details about the prior release, and fixed links to the program's icon and text file. Special thanks to Curtis G for bringing these to my attention earlier today.

19-Sep-2011 :: File Synchronizer (v2.1f)
    Upload a new version of File Synchronizer (v2.1f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    File Synchronizer allows you to sychronise some or all of the files in 2 directories, and if you like, all of their sub-directories.

    File Synchronizer is (hopefully) extremely useful for people who (like me) have their data spread over multiple PCs - such as Work and Home PCs, USB thumb drives, External USB harddrives, CDs / DVDs / BluRay disks, and other media, including, if anyone still uses these, floppy disks, ZIP / JAZZ / SyQyest / Orb drives, etc.

    This program enables you to easily and quickly make sure you have the latest versions of files on all machines / media, and that your master directory contains the latest versions of all files.

    Here are the changes for this v2.1f release:

    • Save / restore the checked / unchecked status of the "Multi" button's list.

    • Add a new section to this readme text file: "50,000+ Lines of Code ??? Your f^%@ing kidding me !!!".

    WOW, it's more than 9 years after the first public release of this program, and I still use this program at least several times every day, and find it incredibly useful. I move files in many directories between home and work PCs every day on several USB thumb drives (for extra backups), and File Synchronizer allows me to keep all of these files perfectly synchronised. Out of all of the software on my PCs, this is the program I use most !! :)

    Enjoy ! :)

18-Sep-2011 :: File Synchronizer (v2.0f)
    Upload a new version of File Synchronizer (v2.0f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    File Synchronizer allows you to sychronise some or all of the files in 2 directories, and if you like, all of their sub-directories.

    File Synchronizer is (hopefully) extremely useful for people who (like me) have their data spread over multiple PCs - such as Work and Home PCs, USB thumb drives, External USB harddrives, CDs / DVDs / BluRay disks, and other media, including, if anyone still uses these, floppy disks, ZIP / JAZZ / SyQyest / Orb drives, etc.

    This program enables you to easily and quickly make sure you have the latest versions of files on all machines / media, and that your master directory contains the latest versions of all files.

    Here are the changes for this v2.0f release:

    • Add a "Multi" button so that you can process many or all directory pairs at once. (Something I need to do several times every day). At this stage, the "Multi" button is for synchronising files, not for comparing files.

    Enjoy ! :)

2-Feb-2011 :: File Synchronizer (v1.4f)
    Upload a new version of File Synchronizer (v1.4f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    File Synchronizer allows you to sychronise some or all of the files in 2 directories, and if you like, all of their sub-directories.

    File Synchronizer is (hopefully) extremely useful for people who (like me) have their data spread over multiple PCs - such as Work and Home PCs, USB thumb drives, External USB harddrives, CDs / DVDs / BluRay disks, and other media, including, if anyone still uses these, floppy disks, ZIP / JAZZ / SyQyest / Orb drives, etc.

    This program enables you to easily and quickly make sure you have the latest versions of files on all machines / media, and that your master directory contains the latest versions of all files.

    Here are the changes for this v1.4f release:

    • Add extra functionality to the "Compare Common Files" function. Now, if any files mismatch, you are shown a list, and then you can select which directory contains the correct files and then copy and recompare these by clicking the "Re-Copy and Re-Compare Files" button, to copy, re-compare, and then display the results of this process (to make sure all files now match). This makes it dead easy to make sure all files is each directory are 100% the same.

    • Add buttons / functionality to open either of the directories in Windows Explorer - this can be useful if you want to take a closer look or perform any actions on the files / directories.

    • If any settings change that require a re-build of file lists before a file sync, then disable File Sync button until user re-builds file lists.

    Enjoy ! :)

26-Jan-2011 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.2)
    Upload new version of Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.2) Updated Program to my Other Shareware Programs Page.

    Overhead Cable Sag Calculator calculates the sag of overhead electricity or other cables using a variety of methods.

    More specifically, this computer program calculates the sag of overhead conductors and earthwires for transmission and distribution lines, enabling you to use a variety of methods to calculate the sag, and also generate a report and save the data for virtually any number of spans and cables within any number of projects.

    This program is for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. According to several registerted users, Sag Calculator also works fine on Windows Vista (64 bit) and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), providing you don't install the program to C:\Program Files\Sag Calculator\ (as with Vista 32 bit). e.g. install to C:\Sag Calculator\ or similar.

    New features for v3.2 of the program include :

    • Add a File -> New menu option. (This just does exactly the same job as a Reset to All data, but it is a more obvious command). If they user has any unsaved work, they will be prompted before proceeding (of course). (Ref: SAG_v3.2.1: sagp.pas)

    • Make sure the cable details are showing after the "Add Basic Settings" button functionality has been executed. (Ref: SAG_v3.2.2: sag_setp.pas)

    • Double check the conversion of data back to metric for saving / preserving. (Ref: SAG_v3.2.3: sag_setp.pas)

    • Make sure all of the "outside of the expected range" warning dialogs show the name of the data, even those dialogs which should never be seen by users (because the values are calculated and checked behind the scenes). Special thanks to Jayson K for reporting this. (Ref: SAG_v3.2.4: sagp.pas)

    • Make sure the Upper Sag is converted to the required units of measure. Special thanks to Jayson K for reporting this. (Ref: SAG_v3.2.5: sagp.pas)

    • Do the unit conversions *before* the calculations. Special thanks to Jayson K for reporting this. (Ref: SAG_v3.2.6: sagp.pas)

    • New look installer (without the graded background screens).

    • This is a FREE upgrade for all registered users of version 3.x of the program. (I have emailed this latest version of the program out to all users).

    For new users, or users who have not yet upgraded to v3.x, pricing, upgrade costs, and all other details are available here.

    If any new or existing users have any comments or questions, or would like to place an order for this upgrade, then please Email me. I highly recommend you download and trial the program and ensure that it does exactly what you want before you buy. :)

25-Jan-2011 :: Apple 2 Disk Drive Sounds (v1.0, WAV files)
    One person told me how they left Apple 2 Disk Drive Sound Simulator running (on random) next to their parrot's cage, and after a while the poor parrot started trying to make Apple 2 disk drives sounds. LMAO ROFL !!! ;) That sure would be something to see. I've lost his email address now, but I wish I had asked him to do a video of the poor bird. I can just imagine it's facial expressions as it tries to get the "Grunt Grunt Grind" just right. LOL ! ;)

    In addition, a few people have emailed me over the years asking for a copy of the sounds to use in various projects. e.g. Laz wanted to do a Mac version of the program back in 2002 (but he seems to have been derailed on this project for the last 9+ years - LOL !! ;) Other people have emailed me since then asking for the sounds to use in their various projects. In every case, I've always been happy to oblige. All I asked for was a credit in the help / readme file.

    Very recently (8-Dec-2010), Garnet U emailed me to ask if he could use the sounds in his cAndy Apple emulator (an Apple //e emulator on the Android Market == Google phones). Once again, I said YES and provided the sounds for free for this project - all I asked for was a credit in the help / readme file.

    To save people having to ask me in the future, I've decided to release the sounds as FREEWARE on my web page.

    I am a very friendly guy and I like supporting / helping other software developers whenever I possibly can. Especially if you are like me - lone-wolf developers, struggling on their own to create software they are passionate about. So, if anyone wants to use these sounds in their own programs / projects, then that is fine with me: all I ask is that you add a credit to me on your projects's web page, the credits screen, the help file, or similar. A credit something like this would be perfect:

    Also, if you Email me and let me know about your project, I'll add a link to it here on my web page (and a link to it in my Apple 2 Disk Drive Sound Simulator readme file).

    Like I said earlier, I'm always ready to help other software developers. :)

13-Jan-2011 :: Zip Password Cracker Pro (1.2fb)
    Upload new version of Zip Password Cracker Pro (1.2fb) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    Zip Password Cracker Pro enables you to generate passwords and apply these to password protected ZIP files. This can be an incredibly useful thing to do when you have backed up data to a ZIP file and mistyped or forgotten the password.

    The program has many useful password generation features, and also saves Restart information as it tests passwords so that if the power fails, you switch off your PC, your computer crashes, etc then this program can continue where it left off at the click of a mouse button.

    Here are the changes for this 1.2fb release:

    • Update the DLL (UnzDll.dll) included with ZIP Password Cracker Pro. Special thanks to Lost Identity for alerting me to the fact my program wasn't finding ZIP passwords properly. It turned out it wasn't, because the DLL (UnzDll.dll) included with ZIP Password Cracker Pro was not the required version.

    NOTE: The UnzDll.DLL file must have a time stamp of 14-Jan-2003 7:45 AM.

    Enjoy !

7-Dec-2010 :: File Synchronizer (v1.3f)

27-Sep-2010 :: My First YouTube Video
    I have been creating a lot of "Photo Stories" lately - mostly for special occasions for family and friends. Ahem, and quite a few even feature our doggies ... I know, I know ... ;)

    Anyway, today I uploaded my very first video to YouTube. It is a commedy Photo Story I put together of hilarious and embarassing family portraits and photos.

    Everyone has some funny / embarassing family portraits and photos ... hopefully yours aren't this bad ... ;)

    Anyway, here's the video:

    Enjoy ! :)

29-May-2010 :: Nixie Clock (v1.3)
    Upload new version of Nixie Clock (v1.3) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.

    This new version enables the user to change between a 12 and 24 hour clock. This change was done specially for Dietmar, who requested this feature in an email to me a couple of days ago.

29-May-2010 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator - ZIP Download Link Fixed

20-May-2010 :: Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back !!!
    Moose Valley is back !!

    But, it is back now - on a brand new host, BlackAppleHost.

    BlackAppleHost offers instant account activation and up to 5 GB of space for FREE !!. File upload can be done via FTP as well. They provide support for PHP and MySQL and detailed traffic analysis reports.

    They don't allow ZIP, RAR, MPG, etc files though, which is a real shame (because 99% of my web site are ZIP files), so I have had to upload these to MediaFiles and change all links to point to the new and extremely awkward file locations. I kept hoping someone would email me with a better hosting option ... Oh well ...

    If anyone finds any issues, broken links, etc, then please email me.

21-Apr-2010 :: Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back - Well, Almost !!!
    Moose's Software Valley is coming back .... slowly .... :)

    My apologies everyone for the down time (over the past 2 weeks). For the few who emailed me and wondered where Moose's Valley went, my thanks for your concern and patience. :)

    My web site lost its prior web hosting without *any* warning or notice on Good Friday. What was interesting about this was that it was a *very* small part of my work's web server that has been hosting Moose's Valley for the past 8+ years. I thought we had a "win win relationship", a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" type of deal - all of the staff and their families at my work got FREE site licenses to all of my software (long before everything was FREEware), and I wrote bunches of software specifically to help staff with their work, and they let me use a paltry 100 MB of the space on their 25+ TB web server. It seemed like a good deal to me, and I thought everyone was happy. But, without notice they deleted my web site. Needless to say, if they are going to start treating people like this, I now need to re-evaluate all of the extra things that I do to help and go way above and beyond the call of duty for this company. I am always the first to stick my hand up and volunteer for extra work, even when my plate is already full of work. If they aren't going to give me a lousy 120 MB of disk space, I would have to be effing mad to keep busting-my-guts to help out and doing 10+ hours of FREE overtime every week. Hmmmm ....

    Anyway, I have been hunting around for alternative suitable FREE web hosting since then. Well you don't expect me to pay for web hosting do you, given that 99% of my software is FREEware ??? LOL ;)

    So far I have tried out TopCities, Tripod, 007Sites, ZeroCatch, and BlackAppleHost. None are ideal. All have either severe space limitations (20 MB for Tripod) or else they have massive space (5 GB) but ZIP, WAV, MPG, RAR, etc files are *not* allowed. So, Free != good for me at least !

    At this stage, I am seeing if I can get BlackAppleHost to work for me. It will mean hosting all of my ZIP files, MPG files, WAV files, etc on other web servers (perhaps Mediafire ?), so it isn't ideal, and it is going to be a lot of work and messing around to get everything back on-line.

    Anyway, this is just a quick note to let people know that Moose's Software Valley has *NOT* closed down. I have been on the net since mid-1996, I am still here, and my web site will be back to normal again asap.

    Stay tuned .... :)

    Oh yes, if anyone knows of any good, free, reliable web hosts for about 120 MB of data that includes ZIP files, a couple of MP3's (apple 2 disk drive sounds, talking clock sounds), some old moon walk videos (.mpg), WAV files (answering machine sounds), etc then please Email

27-Jan-2010 :: Post Code Lookup (v1.2fb) - Updated Postcode Data File(s)
    Upload another new version of Post Code Lookup (v1.2fb) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.

    Post Code Lookup enables you to search on postcodes, locations, and states / regions in your country to find the place name or postcode for the locations you are interested in - all at the click of a mouse button. This program comes complete with Postcode data for : Australia (16,700 postcodes / locations), New Zealand (2,219 postcodes / locations), and United Kingdom (27,195 postcodes / locations).

    The changes for this release include:

    • No program changes - just update the Australian post code data file and the readme text file.

    • Update links to the Australian post code data file.

    • Include the latest Australian post code data with the program. This new Australian post code data file contains 16,700 postcodes / locations, which is 392 more than the 16,308 postcodes / locations in the old data file from Apr-2000).

    • The web links I have to UK and NZ post code data files no longer work. Can anyone supply me with new links to this data ?

18-Jan-2010 :: Post Code Lookup (v1.2f)
    Upload new version of Post Code Lookup (v1.2f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.

    Post Code Lookup enables you to search on postcodes, locations, and states / regions in your country to find the place name or postcode for the locations you are interested in - all at the click of a mouse button. This program comes complete with Postcode data for : Australia (16,308 postcodes / locations), New Zealand (2,219 postcodes / locations), and United Kingdom (27,195 postcodes / locations).

    I wrote this program 10 years ago, and I still use it multiple times every day. An extremely useful program.

18-Jan-2010 :: Solar System Simulator (v2.3f) - The "Farewell Pluto" Release
    Upload new version of Solar System Simulator (v2.3f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    Solar System Simulator is a program to help you visualise the solar system, compare the planets, and find out more about the planets, or help you produce your own reports or assignments on the planets.

    This program includes :

    • An animation of the Solar System, with the planets rotating around the Sun - and you can alter the speed of animation, and choose which planet to "stand on" and the perspective of the rotating planets and Sun is adjusted accordingly. And, you can also trace the orbit of each object - great for helping to visualize / understrand the various orbits.

    • Many dozens of Planetary Comparison Graphs (with various options) to let you compare dozens of criteria, such as mass, radius, volume, distances from the sun, atmospheric composition, visits by space probes, wind speeds, and many other criteria for each planet.

    • Planet Reports containing statistics and detailed information on each planet or our Sun - including size, mass, length of day, temperature ranges, density, volume, surface area, orbital velocity, space craft visits, moons, discovery details, and many dozens of other measurements, statistics, and interesting facts.

    • A Weight Calculator to enable you to enter your weight and calculate your weight on each planet.

    • Extract Data : you can copy and paste any or all selected data values into a spreadsheet or your own reports at the click of a mouse button.

    • Planet and Solar System Images.

    The changes for this release include:

    • Some usability enhancements (can use left / right arrow keys to change graphs, etc).

    • Calculate the actual Gravity of each planet and the Sun using its mass and diameter (this data was hard-coded previously).

    • Calculate some other values that were hard-coded.

    • Increase Jupiter's moons to 63 (according to ABC Radio quiz), and Saturn has 61 moons, Uranus has 27 moons, and Neptune has 13.

    • Remove Pluto as a planet. On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) voted on the definition of a planet:
      1. orbit the sun and not another planet
      2. be massive enough to be spherical
      3. have cleared its orbit of debris

      Pluto met the first 2 criteria but not the 3rd. Since part of Pluto's orbit is in the Kuiper Belt, its orbit is not cleared of debris. Pluto is now officially known as a "dawrf planet", and also sometimes called a Kuiper Belt Object (KBO). Poor Clyde Tombaugh (the discoverer of Pluto) will be spinning in his grave. At least they waited until after poor Clyde had passed away. The decision still affected his family however, read this article:

      For over 3 years, I have resisted removing Pluto from my Solar System Simulator because I kept hoping the IAU would reverse their decision. Sadly not. I have made it so ALL of Pluto data is still there, and that it can easily be reinstated as a planet if this decision about Pluto changes in the future. (Not holding my breath ...)

    • Reduce the default "Speed" of animation (the slider at the bottom).

    • Change the default of "Trace Orbits of Objects" to checked for all objects.

    • Bring the program up to date with my latest code libraries.

    This program should be interesting to people of all ages !! Enjoy !! :)

17-Jan-2010 :: Clipboard Tools (v1.1f)
    Upload new version of Clipboard Tools (v1.1f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.

    This is the FREEWARE version of this program, that was supposed to have been created / uploaded in Sep-2007 but somehow I missed creating a freeware version of this program. Here it is .... finally. ;)

    Clipboard Tools enables you to :
    • Erase the data on the Window's Clipboard,
    • View the Text or Bitmap data in the Window's Clipboard,
    • List the formats of data currently available in the Window's Clipboard

17-Jan-2010 :: Clean-Up Old Files (v2.1f)
    Upload new version of Clean-Up Old Files (v2.1f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.

    This is the FREEWARE version of this program, that was supposed to have been created / uploaded in Sep-2007 but somehow I missed creating a freeware version of this program. Here it is .... finally. ;)

    Clean-Up Old Files enables the user to specify one or more directories, and then periodically clean out / erase / delete files that haven't been modified for a certain number of days.

    The program can run automatically at Windows startup and also automatically exit after the clean-up, if desired.

    Special thanks to Rich for asking me "is this program free", prompting me to re-check the version uploaded.

7-Oct-2009 :: Print and PDF Pictures (v1.1f)
    Upload new version of Print and PDF Pictures (v1.1f) Updated Program to my Freeware Programs Page.
    Print and PDF Pictures enables you to drag and drop a whole bunch of pictures from Windows Explorer, move or sort these into the required order, and then either :
    • Print them all out to a printer,
    • Or, if you have Adobe Acrobat Distiller installed, then then you can print them all to the Acrobat Distiller, which places all of the images into a PDF (Portable Document Format) file.

    This program should be useful to anyone who wants to print a number of images, or get them into a suitable format that enables easy reading "on screen".

    Special thanks to Mark for his kind words and feedback.

5-Aug-2009 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.1)
    Upload new version of Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.1) Updated Program to my Other Shareware Programs Page.

    Overhead Cable Sag Calculator calculates the sag of overhead electricity or other cables using a variety of methods.

    More specifically, this computer program calculates the sag of overhead conductors and earthwires for transmission and distribution lines, enabling you to use a variety of methods to calculate the sag, and also generate a report and save the data for virtually any number of spans and cables within any number of projects.

    New features for v3.1 of the program include :

    • WOW, 6 years since the last update of this program. Sadly, the reason for this is the lack of support - only 4 sales of the program during this time.

    • This program has now been tested with Windows Vista (32 bit) and it works perfectly OK. However, because the on-line help is in Windows Help File (.HLP) format, if Windows Vista users want to view the program's on-line help externally from the program, they will need to download and install WinHlp32.exe for Windows Vista, which can be obtained from this link:

    • I don't have access to a PC with Windiows Vista (64 bit) so I cannot comment further on this at this stage.

    • Increase the maximum temperature from 60 Celsius (140 Fahrenheit) to 80 Celsius (176 Fahrenheit), as requested by Derek H. (Ref: SAG_v3.1.1)

    • Fix an issue with Cable Settings when using Imperial units of measure. Special thanks to Derek H. for reporting this issue. (Ref: SAG_v3.1.3)

    • Fix the handling of the Sag Demo Project included with the program (simply had to change section heading handling to include [sag] and [sag32]). Special thanks to Derek H for reporting this issue. (Ref: SAG_v3.1.4)

    • Change the colour of read-only data entry fields from clInactiveBorder to clInactiveCaption, which seems to work better and make the read-only status more obvious.

    • See the on-line help (included with the program) for further information.

    Pricing, upgrade costs, and all other details are available here.

    If any new or existing users have any comments or questions, or would like to place an order for this upgrade, then please Email me

4-July-2009 :: Backup Again (v1.0f) Update

11-May-2009 :: Arcade Games Annecdotes - Update

16-Jan-2009 :: Do you use / burn / create CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray discs ?

16-Jan-2009 :: Finally Some GOOD News !!!

16-Jan-2009 :: Amazing Wooden Machines ?

15-Jan-2009 :: "Choplifter 1987" and "Lunar Lander on Steroids" ?

2-Nov-2008 :: Car Engine Stuffed => Convert to Electric ???

29-August-2008 :: Replace MAC with Mac

29-February-2008 :: 10 Ways you can tell an IT worker is *NOT* up to the job !!

3-December-2007 :: Aussie National Bingo Night - Update

3-December-2007 :: How EVIL Are You ??

19-November-2007 :: Email Address Issues (still, again, ...)

14-November-2007 :: Aussie National Bingo Night

14-November-2007 :: A Place In ... Series Episode Guide - v1.0

19-October-2007 :: Student Results Merger v1.08

19-October-2007 :: Geek Toys - USB Toy Rocket Launchers

18-Sep-2007 :: It's ALL Free Baby !!

18-Sep-2007 :: Student Results Merger v1.07

13-July-2007 :: Global Warming - Update

13-July-2007 :: Global Warming - Update Following Last Night's ABC Program

12-July-2007 :: Global Warming - Is It REALLY Caused by Human's or Human Activity ???

12-July-2007 :: The Simpson's - Create Your Own Avitar

3-Apr-2007 :: Renewable Energy Page - Back On-Line

2-Apr-2007 :: Greetings to the Guys at Yak Yak

2-Apr-2007 :: UFO Master Blaster Simulator

29-Sep-2006 :: Monitors - Amazing New Releases

3-Aug-2006 :: 10 years of Moose's Software Valley !!!

3-Aug-2006 :: Goodbye Frames and Java Menus

17-July-2006 :: Fuel Economy - Upper Engine Lubricants (UEL)

11-July-2006 :: Peak Oil - Australian ABC's 4 Corners Special

11-July-2006 :: Moose's Weight Loss - Update - 33 KG so far

22-June-2006 :: Student Results Merger v1.06

30-May-2006 :: Student Results Merger v1.05

8-May-2006 :: Sailing

8-May-2006 :: Moose's Weight Loss - 20 KG so far

10-Jan-2006 :: Red Vs Blue, Machinima, Fresh Baked Video Games

9-Dec-2005 :: Jimmy Carter's speech televised on April 18, 1977.

9-Dec-2005 :: Mike's Soapbox: Australian Drug Users, Addicts, Dealers and Mules

28-Nov-2005 :: Peak Oil on ABC's Catalyst

23-Nov-2005 :: Stunt Cycle Simulator / Emulator

23-Nov-2005 :: Computer Space Simulator News

23-Nov-2005 :: Microsoft Windows 1983 pre-Version 1.0 demo

22-Nov-2005 :: Registration Form Fix

22-Nov-2005 :: World's Ugliest Dog - Part 3

19-July-2005 :: World's Ugliest Dog - Part 2

18-July-2005 :: Tongue Display Unit (TDU)

18-July-2005 :: World's Ugliest Dog

18-July-2005 :: Text Buttons (v5.0)
    Upload new version of Text Buttons (v5.0) Updated Program to my $10 Computer Programs (Shareware) Page.
    Text Buttons enables you to place often used pieces of text behind anything up to 750 buttons, and view 1, 2, 3, or 4 columns of 15 of these buttons at any time, so that any text you need is very easily and quickly obtainable when required.

    Key changes for this release include being able to run the program minimised on Windows startup, and adding a whole range of text processing functionality (sorting and wordwrapping Windows' Clipboard text, and converting Windows Clipboard text to uppercase, lowercase, or titlecase).

7-June-2005 :: Mac becomes PC

2-June-2005 :: CQ Junior Robotics Competition - 7-Aug-2005

30-May-2005 :: Return of the King of SID

30-May-2005 :: Classic Gaming Expo UK - 13-Aug-2005

27-May-2005 :: International Pun Contest : Top 10 Winners

26-May-2005 :: Apple ][ - SunRaycer - Saved from Oblivion !!

17-May-2005 :: Humour : Evolution Vs Creationism

17-May-2005 :: Dawning of the Age of the Super-Consoles

16-May-2005 :: Birthday and Event Reminder v1.0

16-May-2005 :: Student Results Merger v1.0

16-May-2005 :: Lack of Updates ???? Abandonware ???? WTF ????

11-May-2005 :: Computer Space Simulator - Announcements

11-May-2005 :: Computer Space Simulator v1.0

11-May-2005 :: Paul Allen's Got a Big One

10-May-2005 :: One Switch Games

9-May-2005 :: Robot Simulator v1.0

4-May-2005 :: Font Reviewer v1.0

4-May-2005 :: More FUN with Mosacis

29-Apr-2005 :: Stunt Cycle Simulator
    I'm thinking of starting work on a Stunt Cycle simulator.

    So far, I've contacted Fever at Discreet Logistics, and Erik Netwon (who was going to do a SC simulator a few years ago).

    I've also posted messages on MAME's Message Board and the Rec.Games.Video.Arcade.Collecting newsgroup, and I've searched high and low with Google but have yet to track down what I need to work on this smulator. It has been about 30 years since I last played this game so I dare not trust my memory ... ;)

    So, here's what I'd like to have before I can really get stuck into a simulator for the game :

    • High quality, high resolution screen shots of the game in action.
    • High quality sound samples of all of the game's sound effects.
    • Some movie files of the game in action - with the bike going as slow as possible up the ramp, medium speed, high speed, etc - showing as much of the game play as possible.
    • Precise details of the game play, etc
    • Someone who can test the simulator and run it side by side against a real Stunt Cycle machine and report any significant variations / differences.

    Does anyone here have access to a Stunt Cycle machine ?

    If anyone help with the above, then please email me.

28-Apr-2005 :: Computer Space Simulator - WIP
    Computer Space was the very first coin-operated video arcade game and went on sale in 1971. Only 1,500 of the machines were ever built, and of these it is estimated that less than 500 of these machines still work / exist.

    Over the past 3 years, actually, it's only been about 3 weeks but it seems like 3 years ;), I've been working on a Computer Space Simulator with much encouragement, testing, and feedback from Kevin at the Computer Space Fan web site.

    Work is going very well, but it is a very time consuming process to get eveything as close to perfect as possible, especially since I don't have access to a real Computer Space machine, nor have I ever seen a real Computer Space machine in person, and Kevin is based in Canada and I'm in Australia.

    We're 98+% done - but the devil is definitely in the details !! ;) Anyway, here is a Work-In-Progress (WIP) screen shot of the simulator in action.

    Click on image to expand it.

14-Mar-2005 :: Back Again
    G'Day, I'm back from holidays. Well, actually, I have been for about 9 days now, and I've almost caught up on sleep, and I'm almost over a really bad flu that I developed after I go back (all of those weeks of being coughed on and sneezed on while travelling finally caught up with me ... ;)

2-Feb-2005 :: Holidays - 5-Feb-2005 to 4-Mar-2005
    I'll be on holidays from 5-Feb-2005 to 4-Mar-2005, and heading over to Europe mostly but I'll also be spending a few days in the USA, Hawaii, and Singapore.

    During this time I'll be away from email (so I wont be able to reply to anyone's emails until I get back) and I'll also be away from my computers (*sob* ! ;) and Boogle and Jessica - my pooches (*sob* *sob* ! ;)

    Renewable Energy will be a theme of this trip, and one of the places I'm seriously looking forward to visiting is the "Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA)" in Spain :

    This place looks like clean energy nirvana to me - solar towers, parabolic troughs, dish-stirlings, and all sorts of other things. I'm going on an extended behind the scenes tour, which will allow me to get close to the technologies I've been researching and reading so much about over the past 14 months.

    As well as this, I'll also be visiting some Wind Fams, and whatever else I possibly can.

    It should be a great trip. I'm hoping to come back with a more hands on feel for all of these technologies so that I can proceed with crunching the numbers and trying to apply it, in a way that isn't going to lose me millions, to my Clean Energy Farm project in Australia.

2-Feb-2005 :: Periodic Table of Elements (v2.2)

2-Feb-2005 :: Overhead Cable Sag Calculator (v3.0)

20-Jan-2005 :: Mosaic Maker Extractor v1.0

10-Jan-2005 :: Moose Software Updates

20-Dec-2004 :: Environment, Conservation, Peak Oil, and Clean Energy

20-Dec-2004 :: Christmas Decorations ...

10-Nov-2004 :: Man Pays US$215,000 for a Cell Phone Number in China

28-Oct-2004 :: Synthetic Rat's Brains Flying Planes

28-Oct-2004 :: Intel Claims Fastest Supercomputer Crown ...

25-Oct-2004 :: Self Test Artwork ...

25-Oct-2004 :: PC Games Order ...

6-Oct-2004 :: Man mistakenly cuts off penis, dog eats it ...

6-Oct-2004 :: SpaceShipOne claims the $10,000,000 US X-Prize ...

6-Oct-2004 :: Rumblings at Mount St. Helens ...

4-Oct-2004 :: Wanted: Aquanox and Aquanox 2 Revelation PC Games ...

30-Sep-2004 :: Funny Australian Election Ads ...

27-Sep-2004 :: Wrist Watch with GPS and Loads of Features ...

19-Aug-2004 :: Email Issues (yet again) ...

11-Aug-2004 :: Apple, Microsoft, and what might have been ...
    Normally, I don't bother to read or follow up articles written by "Mac enthusiasts" - because, let's face it, life's too short, and I don't have time to educate them or correct all the idiotic things they say. ;)

    However, being an old Apple ][ fan, I visit the Apple ][ newsgroups comp.emulators.misc and comp.sys.apple2 almost on a daily basis. Earlier today, I noticed the group talking about this article :

    and it was so full of errors, wildly inaccurate claims, and the same old Apple nonsense that "Mac enthusiast's" seem to love regurgitating every chance they get, that I simply could not let matters rest in this case.

    Here is what I had to say about the article (on the comp.sys.apple2, and via direct email to the article's author) :

      From: Mike O'Malley
      Sent: Wed, 11 August 2004 14:21
      To: xxxx
      Subject: The Art of the Parlay, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Platform Licensing and Market Share


      I've just read your article :

      and have a number of comments.

      >It's generally agreed that the first version of Windows that didn't
      >suck shipped in 1995, a decade after the arrival of the Mac.

      Agreed by whom - by Mac users ?

      FYI, Windows 3.x was a terrific operating system - super fast, extremely stable, able to multi-task dozens of programs with ease, while still being able to run all the DOS / CLI programs you wanted. And it was able to be locked up tighter than a duck's arsehole with a few simple changes - so you could put a PC on display anywhere (e.g. for general public use) and people could NOT mess with it, run anything you didn't want them, change anything you didn't want them to, etc.

      The biggest draw back of Windows 3.x was it's 8.3 file name limitations - but people were used to this, so it wasn't until they got long file names that they noticed how constrained they were.

      If Windows 3.x supported long file names, then I dare say that I'd still be using it today as my OS of choice.

      In fact, I still run a few Windows 3.x programs today on my Windows XP machines because they still do all that I require. e.g. Winfax v3.0 from 1992, and Lotus Improv v2.0 from ~1994, etc.

      So, give us a break, next time you say something is "generally agreed" and suggest it is by many people, make sure that you actually talk to people who were there in the early 1980's - and not just Mac users or people who swallow the guff poured out by Apple's marketing machine without analysing or seeking the truth in it first.

      >But except Apple couldn't just license the "Mac OS" (which
      >wasn't called "Mac OS" until the mid-90s)

      There you go again ... This simply is NOT true. In 1986, I was finishing uni and was preparing my resume for sending out to companies - and this resume lists Mac/OS as the operating system for the Mac - which I used frequently at the time.

      So, the Mac's Operating System was definitely widely known as Mac/OS or Mac OS even in the mid 1980's.

      >In short, what were then called IBM-compatible PCs
      >were technically incapable of providing a user experience
      >even vaguely resembling that of the Macintosh.

      Oh, deary, deary me - here we go again. This is simply not true. IBM-ATs (based on the 80286 processor) were veritable speed demons, and were more than capable of blowing the Mac out of the water performance wise. Hercules and other companies made graphics cards for PCs that provided far superior resolution - in B&W and in colour - that made the Macs tiny display look like a joke.

      Furthermore, in the mid-1980's, Apple techs ported Mac/OS to the IBM-PC and had it running the OS / GUI / Apps / etc. However, Apple Execs got scared and canned the project - how could they sell their overpriced hardware if Mac OS ran on PCs which were far superior in price / performance.

      >Carlton's book is seriously flawed in many ways (not
      >the least of which his conclusion that the company
      >was on the verge of going out of business circa 1999)

      You have a short memory ! Apple very nearly did go out of business in the mid-late 1990's - it was only a miracle that saved them (e.g. Steve Jobs coming back onboard just in the nick of time, shortly after which some new products were launched). In fact, Apple are still not in a particularly enviable position - despite whatever hoopla you may have heard / swallowed.

      >PCs simply weren't capable of providing a Mac-like user experience
      >in 1984, and it was many years later until they were

      You call 2 years "many years" - why ? Check your facts !

      By 1986, IBM-AT's were speed demons, capable of providing high resolution, colour graphics that simply blew the Mac right out of the water.

      All of the people into computer graphics / ray tracing / etc that I knew at university (in the mid-1980's) all dreamed of owning an IBM-AT.

      >"No one ever got fired for choosing IBM" was the
      >IT mantra of the '70s and '80s.

      Simply not true. This slogan was from an IBM 1980's ad campaign that was a joke to the vast majority of computer people. If this slogan were true then everyone would have followed the IBM into PS/2 land in ~1987. As it turned out, the PS/2 was a massive flop that not even a great operating system (OS/2) could save. Everyone stayed with the PC standard, instead of following IBM into new standards. People have brains. People aren't all complete mindless idiots like Mac people like to claim. Most people are quite savvy, and buy according to price Vs performance, and for that you have never been able to beat the PC. The Apple products (Lisa and Mac) were overpriced and slow in comparison to the PC - yes they looked better, but most people (at that time) valued price, performance, and functionality far more than something superficial, such as looks. That is why the PC is king and why it has been for 20+ years.

      >but rather to have written a GUI-based operating system compatible
      >with the existing PCs of 1984.

      GUI operating systems were a joke until the early 1990's - no reasonably priced desktop / home computers had the power or memory to support them *and* allow you to do any serious work. Even the first Macs had a limitation of 18 pages of text and took many seconds to page down through a document - and this is according to Steve Levy. Mac was a joke !

      >The Macintosh was neither based on nor compatible
      >with the Apple II.

      Actually it was - sort of - but only many, many years later, and by then it was too late - the abandoned Apple ][ users were already moving to the PC.

      >If Apple had been like Microsoft, the Mac would have been built on
      >top of the Apple II platform and the Newton would have been
      >designed as a Macintosh peripheral.

      This is quite correct. Although, if this happened in ~1984, then the Mac would have been 3-5 times faster than the Apple ][, and had better graphics, a 10 MB hard-drive, and it would have run all of the Apple ]['s software either natively or via emulation.

      All the best,

      Mike "Moose" O'Malley
      Moose's Software Valley - Established July, 1996.

    Anyway, that's my *rant* for the day. It's time for me to get down off my soap box .... ;)

    If anyone would like to comment on any of this, then please feel free to Email me.

13-July-2004 :: TRON sure has let himself go ...

13-July-2004 :: MAME - where's the updates ?
    Long term visitors to these WEB pages, who are (like me) interested in arcade machine emulation and the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) project are probably wondering why I have not been mentioning MAME releases lately.

    Since the day MAME was released to the public (Feb, 1997), I have been a strong supporter of the MAME project, and have updated mu web pages to announce releases / updates for many years. And, I am still interested in and a supporter of the MAME project, however, I have decided not to update my new pages with information about new MAME releases from now on.

    There are a number of reasons for this decision :

    1. Far too many web sites out there already already announce MAME updates, so my pages were just a face in a crowd, and my announcing MAME updates probably wasn't all that useful. People interested in MAME would visit the MAME WEB page anyway, so again, my announcing MAME updates probably wasn't all that useful.

    2. For the first time ever, I am behind in my MAME updates. In fact, I'm currently about 6 MAME releases behind the most recent. I'm still on MAME v0.78, and the latest (as of today) is MAME v0.84u2. And, sadly, the struggle to upgrade is too high for me to consider regular MAME upgrades at this time.

    3. I am far more interested in the earlier games (pre-1990) than the later games, and most of these have been emulated in MAME for many years now.

    4. MAME has started emulating games that require PC's far more powerful than any currently existing, so it isn't possible to enjoy these games, and maybe wont be possible for another 5 years or so. (And by then, MAME will probably emulate games requiring even more powerful PCs).

    5. In my opinion, MAME is emulating games that are far too recent. MAME started off being all about emulating / preserving 10-20+ year old arcade games - which was a very noble and worthwhile goal. However, MAME emulates so many recent games now, games still making money for arcade operators, that the "Retro" emphasis of MAME has been greatly diminished, making the project higher profile and higher risk.

    6. As a shareware author, how could I complain about people ripping off my work, while supporting a project that enabled some people to rip off other people's "still supported and still sold and still making money" work ? Simply, I could not. It was OK while MAME was all about preserving 10-20+ year old games that haven't been sold or supported or made money for 10-20+ years. However, as MAME moves onto more recent games, this is no longer the case.

    7. The MAME project has become a bit of a political "hot potato", and swarms of new people are in MAME's message forums each week showing off their poor attitudes, dishing out abuse, or trying to conduct their own little flame wars.

    8. Little of the original fun and pioneering atmosphere remains in MAME's message forums there are far too many people ignoring the forums posting rules and asking questions like "where can I get da romz dude ?", and where flaming and abuse are more the norm, than helpful or funny replies.

    So, while I still support MAME, and still visit MAME's forums almost daily, I wont be announcing MAME releases here any more.

29-June-2004 :: Key Sound Generator (v1.4)

23-June-2004 :: Real Estate Calculator (v1.1)
    Upload new version of Real Estate Calculator (v1.1) Updated Program to my $10 Computer Programs (Shareware) Page.
    Real Estate Calculator enables you to perform a number of calculations which should be useful to anyone who is involved in buying or selling properties or houses, such as first home buyers, investors, real estate agents, solicitors, etc.

    More specifically, this program allows you to calculate : Real Estate Agent's Commission, Government Stamp Duty, adjustments (for vendors and purchasers, for rates, rent, etc) due at settlement, calculate the mortgage / loan details, and generate a detailed mortgage / loan report.

21-June-2004 :: Greatest Products of All Time : Lotus Improv

21-May-2004 :: PayPal Payments and Donations ...

3-May-2004 :: Email Address Obscurifier v1.0

30-Apr-2004 :: Email Issues ... and New Guest Book

29-Apr-2004 :: Yahtzee v1.3

28-Apr-2004 :: Yahtzee v1.2

27-Apr-2004 :: Key Sound Generator (v1.3)

8-Mar-2004 :: I'm Back - and MAME v0.80 is out

6-Feb-2004 :: Moose on Holidays until March 3, 2004

3-Feb-2004 :: Yahtzee v1.1

29-Jan-2004 :: MAME v0.79

23-Jan-2004 :: Yahtzee v1.0

23-Jan-2004 :: Date & Time (v1.93)

23-Jan-2004 :: RAM / Swapfile Monitor (v4.8)

14-Jan-2004 :: House and Shop For Sale - $20,000 AUD Freehold
    Update : This property is now SOLD - the first people to phone up about it purchased it.

    I have a little holiday old house and an old, dilapidated shop in Wowan - a little town about 70 Km south-west of Rockhampton in Central Queensland, Australia.

    Because of work committments, etc, I can no longer get out to the house as often as I would like, and when I do, the grass is usually 6 feet high and I spend the next 2 days mowing it. This trend looks set to continue forever, so, reluctantly, I have decided to sell the property.

    So, if you think that you will never be able to afford your own house, or that houses are extremely expensive - think again.

    My house is priced to sell quickly (hopefully before the darn grass grows again !! ;))

    N.B. For $20,000 - DO NOT EXPECT A PALACE !!! Both of these properties are far from perfect and both need at least some work and TLC (Tender Loving Care).

    Update : This property is now SOLD - the first people to phone up about it purchased it.

    For pictures of the house and shop click here.

5-Jan-2004 :: MAME v0.78
    The MAME guys released another new version of Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) way back on December 25, 2003 - which was a very nice Christmas present to the 1,000's of slavering MAME fans. However, I've been away from the internet since a few days before this, so I've only just caught up on this news ...

    Anyway, you can read about What's New here.

24-Dec-2003 :: Date & Time (v1.92)

10-Dec-2003 :: Happy 10th Birthday Doom

10-Dec-2003 :: TV Tuner / Capture card problems resolved ....

4-Dec-2003 :: San Francisco Rush HDD Analysis

3-Dec-2003 :: Spam Analysis Tool v1.0

3-Dec-2003 :: Binary Clock v1.1

3-Dec-2003 :: Date & Time (v1.91)

17-Nov-2003 :: Binary Clock v1.0

17-Nov-2003 :: Date & Time (v1.9)

12-Nov-2003 :: MAME v0.77

3-Nov-2003 :: 8.5GB DVD+R drives to ship April 2004

3-Nov-2003 :: ROM Clone Zip Manager (v1.3)

31-Oct-2003 :: New light-speed CPU is 1,000 times faster than current CPUs !
    Lenslet, an Israeli company, have developed and are now selling a new CPU, called Enlight, which can perform 8,000 billion operations per second - that's about about 1,000 times faster than a standard processor.

    These are very expensive (10's of $1,000's of US dollars per CPU), special purpose, custom made CPUs, and aren't for general use, so, sadly, we wont be seeing these in our desktop PCs or games consoles any time soon ... ;)

    You can read more about this here :

31-Oct-2003 :: Other Interesting Articles

31-Oct-2003 :: Getting Tough on SPAM ! :-/
    I've decided to get real tough on the SPAM (i.e unsolicited junk email) that has suddenly increased exponentially over the past weeks.

    As a result :

    • All of the email addresses in the text files from this site have all been Munged.

    • In addition, all of the email addresses that you can click on my web pages have all been obscured (behind the scenes) to stop them being harvested by spam-bots, etc. This change is completely transparrent to visitors to my web pages.

    I haven't done these things in the past because spam wasn't really a problem - my filters, etc were stopping most of it. But, all of a sudden over the past few weeks, the volume of spam has increased exponentially and the nasty, dirty tricks used by spam-mongers have become even more unacceptable (if that is possible).

    If this isn't sufficient, then I'm moving to JavaScript decrypted "on the fly" email tags - that have been adaptively / mutatively encrypted - and this will certainly stop the bastards.

    In the next few weeks I'll probably release one or two programs (that I am working on now along these lines) and that help will other people to fight spam - including average PC users and mail system administrators.

    They've pissed me off one too many time, and now I'm fighting the good fight against these scum.

    I hope you join the fight too ! :)


20-Oct-2003 :: MAME v0.76

13-Oct-2003 :: MAME v0.75

30-Sep-2003 :: My First Ever MAME WIP ...
    I had a spare 5 minutes the other day, and thought it would be "fun" to add support for the Galaxian Test ROM and the Space Invaders Test ROM into the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME).

    Galaxian Test ROM

    Space Invaders Test ROM

    All in all, this was an extremely, embarrassingly simple change to MAME, but it took me a few minutes to work out what I had to change and where everything went (in the 1+ million lines - 47+ MB - of MAME source code).

    Please note, these Test ROMs are not even as exciting as the good old Sente Diagnostic Cartridge. i.e. they are almost on a par with "watching paint dry" ... ;)

    But, this is my first ever MAME WIP ... :)

    Here is Mame_v0.74_ Source_Changes a 123 KB ZIP file which contains the following :

    1. MAME v0.74 Source Code changes
    2. New Screen Shots
    3. the Galaxian Test ROM
    4. the Space Invaders Test ROM
    5. A summary of what code I added to support the Test ROMs.

    Special thanks to Paul Sommers and Chris Hardy for dumping / verifying these ROMs.

    I've got a few other test roms here (somewhere ... ;), so I may also add support for those as well in the future.

18-Sep-2003 :: TV Tuner / Capture card blues ....

18-Sep-2003 :: MAME 32 INI Tools v1.2

15-Sep-2003 :: 40 years of Dr Who

15-Sep-2003 :: Holy Mackrel, yet another MAME ... v0.74

9-Sep-2003 :: Woz OK's Apple I Resurrection !
    Vince Briel (a computer technician, based in Cleveland, Ohio) plans to sell $200 US replicas of the Apple I computer from his garage - and he has Steve "Woz" Wozniak's (the Apple 1's inventor) full blessing to do this and use the Apple 1 ROMs.

    And, just like the original Apple I, this replica will come without a keyboard, case, monitor, or power supply - customers will have to add their own !!

    Unlike the original Apple I, the replica machine does NOT have a casette tape interface - so you will need to type in BASIC and assembler programs by hand - just like almost everyone had to do in the "good old days" !! :)

    You can read more about this here :

9-Sep-2003 :: New Folder - For Sale !!
    In a world gone mad, some crazy maniac is actually selling a Windows XP "New Folder" on eBay.

    Of course, anyone can create their own New Folder by right-mouse clicking on the desktop and selecting New, Folder from the popup menu.

    So, the auction is completely pointless and rediculous - and that's why I like the auction and laughed so hard when I saw it ... ;)

    As of today, the bidding for the "New Folder" has reached a whopping 126.99 UK pounds - that's around $360 Aussie dollars !!

    Thanks to Retrogames for this information.

4-Sep-2003 :: MAME v0.73 out NOW !! ...

1-September-2003 :: Stop Watch (v3.3)

27-Aug-2003 :: 200+ GHz Diamond CPUs ???
    TOKYO - Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (NTT) has developed a diamond semiconductor device that operates at a frequency of 81 GHz.

    Diamond is expected to be the next generation semiconductor material because of its high thermal conductivity, high breakdown voltage, and high carrier mobility.

    200-300 GHz devices are planned for the future.

    In comparison, the latest Intel Pentium 4 CPU operates at just 3.2 GHz.

    You can read more about this here :

27-Aug-2003 :: Mars' Closest Approach in 60,000 Years, and Mars Orbit as seen from Earth
    Here are some computer plots of the orbit of Mars (over 32 and 108 Earth years respectively) as "seen" from Earth - beautiful aren't they ??

    A computer generated plot of Mars' Orbit as "seen" from Earth after 32 Earth years.

    (N.B. this is NOT drawn to scale).

    Images courtesy of my Solar System Simulator

    A computer generated plot of Mars' Orbit as "seen" from Earth after 108 Earth years.

    (N.B. this is NOT drawn to scale).

    Images courtesy of my Solar System Simulator

    These images were generated courtesy of my Solar System Simulator program, and they are the result of simulations of the orbit of Mars over 32 and 108 Earth years respectively of elapsed time (but calculated and drawn in a few seconds on my PC).

    Every 2 years or so, Mars' orbit brings it relatively close to Earth. (In the first image above, you can see that Mars has approached closely to Earth 15 times in 32 years). Actually, even at its closest approach, Mars is still 55.8 Million Kilometers from Earth - which is still 142 times further away than the Moon.

    Every now and again, because of the effects of the Sun, Jupiter, etc, Mars may approach slighty closer to Earth than normal. (Don't get too excited, we are only talking about 20,000 kilometers closer at the very most folks - which isn't much compared to 54.7 Million Kilometers).

    According to NASA, Mars is now (i.e. today !!) closer to Earth than it may have been for 60,000 or so years.

    A series of unmaned probes from NASA, the European Space Agency, and Japan are streaking towards Mars as we speak. Hopefully, these missions will all be successful, and we can answer some important questions, such as : Is there or was there ever life on Mars ?

    Hopefully these missions will pave the way for setting-up a human colony on Mars in the future, so that the human race can begin to learn to live and travel in space.

    And, to celebrate all of this, I have created the above images, uploaded a new version of Solar System Simulator (a few days ago), checked out Mars through my own telescope (and stared at it for hours at night over the past few weeks), and tonight I'm heading to a little observatory at Central Queensland University (where I work as a lecturer / tutor) to study Mars through a series of telescopes.

    And, to round this off, I will probably rewatch the awesome BBC series "Planets" and Sam Neil's "Space" - both of which I have on DVD and thoroughly enjoy watching. (They are the most watched DVDs in my collection ;)

    You can read more about this here :

25-Aug-2003 :: Text Buttons (v4.3c)
    Upload new version of Text Buttons (v4.3c) Updated Program to my $10 Computer Programs (Shareware) Page.
    Text Buttons enables you to place often used pieces of text behind anything up to 750 buttons, and view 1, 2, 3, or 4 columns of 15 of these buttons at any time, so that any text you need is very easily and quickly obtainable when required.

25-Aug-2003 :: Solar System Simulator (v2.2)
    Upload new version of Solar System Simulator (v2.2) Updated Program to my $10 Computer Programs (Shareware) Page.
    Solar System Simulator is a program to help you visualise the solar system, compare the planets, and find out more about the planets, or help you produce your own reports or assignments on the planets.

    This program includes :

    • An animation of the Solar System, with the planets rotating around the Sun - and you can alter the speed of animation, and choose which planet to "stand on" and the perspective of the rotating planets and Sun is adjusted accordingly. And, you can also trace the orbit of each object - great for helping to visualize / understrand the various orbits.

    • Many dozens of Planetary Comparison Graphs (with various options) to let you compare dozens of criteria, such as mass, radius, volume, distances from the sun, atmospheric composition, visits by space probes, wind speeds, and many other criteria for each planet.

    • Planet Reports containing statistics and detailed information on each planet or our Sun - including size, mass, length of day, temperature ranges, density, volume, surface area, orbital velocity, space craft visits, moons, discovery details, and many dozens of other measurements, statistics, and interesting facts.

    • A Weight Calculator to enable you to enter your weight and calculate your weight on each planet.

    • Extract Data : you can copy and paste any or all selected data values into a spreadsheet or your own reports at the click of a mouse button.

    • Planet and Solar System Images.

    This program should be interesting to people of all ages !! Enjoy !! :)

14-Aug-2003 :: MAME 32 INI Tools v1.1

13-Aug-2003 :: MAME 32 INI Tools v1.1

10-Aug-2003 :: MAME v0.72 out NOW !! ...

7-Aug-2003 :: Linux - Not So FREE After All ??

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